Call for GB Video material for DVD

by egonspengler5

19 years, 3 months ago

Alrighty, posting in here…Just putting it out there.

Seeing as no-one wants to freely submit - how about those who have video press kit material for sale?!

Looking to buy - reasonable prices please..

*edit - 10/28 title change

by egonspengler5

19 years, 2 months ago

A couple of ghostheads have the DVD and gave a shout for anyone who could ‘clean it up’ - I offered to. With my offer I decided to give a community ‘shout-out request’ for anyone who has video references of GB or any GB related tv/video material - interviews (i.e. the recent CBS interview with Ramis and Reitman - I have a low quality version, but not the full version) - other behind the scenes video - a complete version of Bobby Browns' On Our Own video… etc.. etc..

In return, I was offering a copy of the complete DVD. Due to the lack of interest I decided to offer money. I am still hoping ghostheads will help out and contact me with what they have for offer.

So COME ON - helping this disc can help yourself (by getting a copy of the disc)

by fusi0n1

19 years, 2 months ago

These are the first and last shots of the Bobby Brown - We're On Our Own which I have on file. If it's the one you're after give me a shout and I'll gladly send it on to you. (Via MSN or other)

*EDIT*: I also think you should maybe (if possible) do a list of what clips / songs / interviews you are chasing, and maybe do it as a checklist to see what you need etc.

Opening frame:

Closing frame:

by egonspengler5

19 years, 2 months ago

“These are the first and last shots of the Bobby Brown - We're On Our Own which I have on file. If it's the one you're after give me a shout and I'll gladly send it on to you. (Via MSN or other)”

Yes, that is the one - what would you like for it?

“*EDIT*: I also think you should maybe (if possible) do a list of what clips / songs / interviews you are chasing, and maybe do it as a checklist to see what you need etc.”

Great idea…

What I got;

Saturday Night Live sketch
Johnny Carson Interview (for GBII)
Run DMC music video
Ray Parker Jr. music video (missing last 20 seconds-ish)
Movie Magic - special effects on GB 1
GBII press pak (interviews, behind the scenes cast & director profiles)
GBII clips

I am adding;

recent CBS interview with Ramis and Reitman - low quality as taken from internet
Family Guy GB reference

Looking for;

Whatever you have

by egonspengler5

19 years, 2 months ago

fusi0n sent me the Bobby Brown and Ray Parker Jr. vids complete - many thanks! They are now updated on the DVD. I am still looking for GB related material - come on ghostheads, let's come together to make this disc what they should have included on the new DVD release!!! :p

by spengler11

19 years, 2 months ago

The dvd you are making sounds very awsome. I have to dig it out, but I have a vhs tape that has some GB material on it. I don't know if you could use it or not. I can't rememebr everything on it, but I do know it was fan made, had I believe the whole GB2 video press kit thing on it, GB music video (very good version not the one that is on the dvd press kit thats floating around) a clip from the Universal Studios Florida Ghostbusters show (it looks like it was taken from those gift shop tapes of the park they sold) , a deleated scene from Ghostbusters thats not on the dvd but from the laser disc version (not that great of picture quality), the real and Extreme ghostbusters openning theme. I think there is more but I gotta find it first. Can you use any of this so far??? :-)

by egonspengler5

19 years, 2 months ago

spengler1 - send it along… I look forward to receiving it. Check your PM for the mailing address.

by egonspengler5

19 years, 2 months ago

GB behind the scenes DVD 2006 SE is now complete; :-)

CBS Early Show Interview - Rip from web cast (low quality but complete).
Bobby Brown On Our Own - complete
Ray Parker Junior Ghostbusters - complete
Family Guy Ghostbusters reference

New Menus
New DVD boot image
New package

Many thanks to those that contributed - your copies will be on the way soon.. and to those who did not contribute - I am sure you can find a way to get your own copy….

by spengler11

19 years, 2 months ago

I don't know if you got my e-mail. I have been very very sick :-( , and still not doing to well . I found your address and my sister mailed out the tape of GB stuff to you priority mail. Coming from New York to New Jersey, you should get it by this weekend. I know you mentioned you were done with the dvd, but I hope you can still use it anyway. I included a list with the video of whats on it. There was more stuff then I remember on there. Best of luck with the dvd (^_^) and let me know how it comes out (*egon)

by egonspengler5

19 years, 2 months ago

With big thanks to spengler1 the DVD will be including a ‘hidden’ menu of goodies… not too hidden though :p