calling Game collectors out there

by hansoloner

15 years, 7 months ago

Does anyone collect video games around here? I have tons of them, here's a list of just the systems I own.

Atari 2600
sega Genesis, with both versions of the sega cd, and the 32x
sega saturn ( my favorite lol, i have 300 + games for it)
sega nomad ( the handheld sega genesis)
sega game gear
virtual boy
playstation 1,2,and 3
xbox and xbox 360
wonderswan color and crystal
neo geo cd
and a neo geo pocket color

I'd love to hear what others have.

by doe_ray_egon1

15 years, 7 months ago

I have a DS
a busted PSP. (drop it once it's busted)
a N64
a orginal playstation and a bunch of rare titles

by hansoloner

15 years, 7 months ago

Rare huh? I have some rare playstation stuff, I have a pocket station wich is really rare. What rare games or items do you have?