Can anyone help?

by robbritton

15 years, 3 months ago

I am looking for an image (screen cap maybe?) of the StayPuft logo from GB! to put on home made marshmallow bags for halloween. I know someone made t-shirts of it a while back but can't seem to find them. Would anyone have this? Doesn't need to be print worthy, I can always copy it out - just need a good quality image to work from!

Thanks guys!

by Chad

15 years, 3 months ago

by 9sam11

15 years, 3 months ago

Is this the shirt your talkign aboout? It's not really the same logo as from the movie.

by jettajeffro

15 years, 3 months ago

We use this version for bags we hand out at events and screenings. I believe the Stay-Puft image itself came from the shirt you're talking about. The font is a close approximation of the movie bags.

by Nix

15 years, 3 months ago

RE: Robbritton, JettaJeffro

Would you like me to draw a screen-accurate Stay-Puft Man package-illustration for you? Chad's screengrab seems a bit too crumpled/wrinkled to print well, but I can justabout clearly see the image with my glasses on, and then draw it from memory.

Tell you what: I'll throw in a new look for the STAY PUFT lettering as well. Something a bit more…marshmallowy…ought to do it.

(Not to derail the thread too much, but Dana Barrett doesn't exactly look like the sort of person who enjoys Stay-Puft marshmallows. Maybe she should have exchanged the marshmallows with Egon's box of Cheez-its.)

by jettajeffro

15 years, 3 months ago

Well I know we'll keep using ours because well, it's ours, but I know the community as a whole will really appreciate that Nix. I see alot of requests for the bag graphic since more and more people are making their own bags for display.

I take it you mean about the font something more like this one?

by Nix

15 years, 3 months ago

I kinda like yours, Jetta. He looks a bit like something I used in a parody Stay Puft ad I did in high school, which put the giant marshmallow man in a forest, standing over a campfire. At his feet, Smokey Bear looked up with an alarmed expression (that's an understatement; his eyes were bulging out like a Tex Avery cartoon), not at the size of this invader, but at the sight of him holding aloft a flaming log and an enormous jerrycan filled with gasoline, with a cheerful, smiling expression on his face. Above, some puffy clouds in the sky formed the words “STAY PUFT” along with the byline “THEY STAY PUFT, EVEN WHEN TOASTED.”

The implication being, obviously, that Stay Puft was about to demonstrate the accuracy of the slogan by setting himself on fire…and enjoying it. Of course, the whole damn forest would go down with him, which terrifies Smokey Bear.

And yes, that is the font I was thinking of. Oddly enough, I had it in my head long before you put that picture up.

by robbritton

15 years, 3 months ago

Thanks for the help, guys!

Nix - go ahead on the drawing, if you think it's do-able. Could be super useful!

by ScottSommer

15 years, 3 months ago

Great now I feel like eating marshmallows….

Watching Ghostbusters makes me want marshmallows and watch Teenage Mutant Teenage Turtles makes me want to eat pizza.

by Nix

15 years, 3 months ago

Thanks for the help, guys!

Nix - go ahead on the drawing, if you think it's do-able. Could be super useful!

Will do over the weekend.

(Which reminds me…I really need to do a joke drawing of a creature I like to call “Da' Sta-Puf Daddy.” Just imagine it: Mr. Stay-Puft with extra bling!)