Can I just ask a question.....

by wildcat

17 years, 6 months ago

First and most importantly….I DO NOT want too offend anyone,I only ask this question out curiousity….its probly stupid,but its just something thats nagged me.This has to do with Boomerjinks' Ecto-mobile.

I made a few topics months ago about the possability of the Ectomobile being changed from a Caddy to a modern day car…and almost everyone disagreed with me….which is fine…..but a few made it clear they were mad at me for doing so…..which is not so fine,I dont mind people disagreeing with me but,as with any forum site(and I belong to various others),we should all respect each other….as the mods here know,I have never done anything against the rules…although this topic may be,but Im not doing this to flame,insult or otherwise be mean to any users,matter of fact I dont even remember who exactly posted on my topics back then.

Getting to point…I don't understand why everyone was so bent out of shape at me suggesting the Ectomobile be changed to a Magnum,'07 Cadillac SUV..ect…..but everyone loved and said how cool(which it is) Boomerjinks' Ecto-Subaru was.

Like I said I dont wanna offend anyone,and I have NOTHING against Boomerjinks,he did amazing work and I wish I had the resourses to do something similar…..its just something I noticed that IMO was…well…unfair…..

there…..if I get suspended or banned(I dont think this is quite bad enough to get banned for though) its ok.

by Kingpin

17 years, 6 months ago

I guess it's to do with the aesthetics of both vehicles… I'd certainly say the vehicle Boomer chose for his Ecto is a lot more handsome then the 2007 Magnum. It also has none of the style of a Cadillac and you could forgive someone for saying it effectively looked like a brick on wheels.

You're right though, it isn's fair… especially now as the liklihood of owning a Miller Meteor Cadillac and being able to restore it and convert it into an Ectomobile grows less likely and less realistic with every year, it has no longer become a case of choosing a different vehicle if you can't find a M&M… it's a case where if you want an Ecto replica, you have to choose a vehicle that isn't a M&M because untounched, undestroyed cars are either too expensive or too rare.

That said, I quite liked the Ecto Magnum that was presented in the ZootFly videos.

by Addiemonster

17 years, 6 months ago

People have differing tastes. If they're going to insist on getting their panties in a twist about something so silly, they can always just go down to the store, pick up a package of Midol, and get over it.

I think the Magnum has character, and would make an alright Ecto if done right. I don't think it would make a very good true Ecto, as in the Ecto the actual Ghostbusters drive, but I think as a fan-made Ecto it would shine.

by wildcat

17 years, 6 months ago

I guess it's to do with the aesthetics of both vehicles… I'd certainly say the vehicle Boomer chose for his Ecto is a lot more handsome then the 2007 Magnum. It also has none of the style of a Cadillac and you could forgive someone for saying it effectively looked like a brick on wheels.

You're right though, it isn's fair… especially now as the liklihood of owning a Miller Meteor Cadillac and being able to restore it and convert it into an Ectomobile grows less likely and less realistic with every year, it has no longer become a case of choosing a different vehicle if you can't find a M&M… it's a case where if you want an Ecto replica, you have to choose a vehicle that isn't a M&M because untounched, undestroyed cars are either too expensive or too rare.

That said, I quite liked the Ecto Magnum that was presented in the ZootFly videos.

Well,I know it may seem as though I dont like the original Ecto….but I really do, I have a model of it and Iv looked around on the net to see if I could find an old Caddy like the one used in the movies….which your right..there hard to find.I even found a specially made Ecto-1 based on the movie on some movie car website and it was offical too….it was $175,000…course I dont have that much money.

If I could Id have both…an original Ectomobile based on the first movie and an Ecto-Magnum.I even think the new Cadillac SRX(I think its called) SUV is a good choice,I had put it in my old topic….its Caddy which stays true the brand…plus its big and has room for all thier gear.

by Kingpin

17 years, 6 months ago

Well,I know it may seem as though I dont like the original Ecto….but I really do, I have a model of it and Iv looked around on the net to see if I could find an old Caddy like the one used in the movies….which your right..there hard to find.

I never got the impression you didn't like the original… but that may be part to the negative reaction that some people thought you said you didn't like the original Ectomobile… it depends how a person interprets it.

by inebriantia

17 years, 6 months ago

Well if it was me I wouldn't worry about it too much. You have the right to your opinion as long as your opinion doesn't hurt anyone. I'm not a fan of Dodge I'm more of a import fan however I do love Jeep Grand Cherokees even though Chrysler makes Dodge as well, anyways.

When I first joined this forum I was given a hard time b/c of some statements I made about piracy, and supporting it, to a degree. I didn't like the people who make tons of copies and sold them for profit, but I thought it was ok if a person wanted to d/l a song or movie to use with their PC. I believe in buying and supporting products, but if I just wanna watch something once, I'd rather not waste my precious $ and buy something I really enjoy like more GB stuff, lol. But some people took that stuff the wrong way.

So don't stress yourself, I don't care if you really did hate the orginal Ecto, or 3 outta 4 of the GBs, lol. Your welcome to state how you think here. I remember your posts, you didn't slam anyone, or say anything harmful to anyone, and as long as your stay with that people will always take your side when situations like this occur b/c they will know your not a person like that. Also keep that imagination going on new Ectos b/c if there ever is another live-action GB movie, chances are in order to make/save money on the money and appeal to this new generation of kids which now days it seems that all you need is some flash in a movie to sell, they will most likely use some new car to advertise with. So at least with you giving out new options and opinions we can get a feel for what we like and dislike so when the time does come we'll know what we want. So keep up the good work!

by wildcat

17 years, 6 months ago

Well if it was me I wouldn't worry about it too much. You have the right to your opinion as long as your opinion doesn't hurt anyone. I'm not a fan of Dodge I'm more of a import fan however I do love Jeep Grand Cherokees even though Chrysler makes Dodge as well, anyways.

When I first joined this forum I was given a hard time b/c of some statements I made about piracy, and supporting it, to a degree. I didn't like the people who make tons of copies and sold them for profit, but I thought it was ok if a person wanted to d/l a song or movie to use with their PC. I believe in buying and supporting products, but if I just wanna watch something once, I'd rather not waste my precious $ and buy something I really enjoy like more GB stuff, lol. But some people took that stuff the wrong way.

So don't stress yourself, I don't care if you really did hate the orginal Ecto, or 3 outta 4 of the GBs, lol. Your welcome to state how you think here. I remember your posts, you didn't slam anyone, or say anything harmful to anyone, and as long as your stay with that people will always take your side when situations like this occur b/c they will know your not a person like that. Also keep that imagination going on new Ectos b/c if there ever is another live-action GB movie, chances are in order to make/save money on the money and appeal to this new generation of kids which now days it seems that all you need is some flash in a movie to sell, they will most likely use some new car to advertise with. So at least with you giving out new options and opinions we can get a feel for what we like and dislike so when the time does come we'll know what we want. So keep up the good work!

Hey I totally agree with what you said about piracy….Iv downloaded stuff too,but Iv never sold it for profit…just for my own personal use.

I DO like original Ectomobile.

Im not a huge Dodge fan…in fact the only Dodge I love is the Viper,Im into super-exotic cars…Ferraris,Lambos,Porshe etc…but I do like the Magnum to a certain point and I think its a fitting car if there was a new GB movie,TV show errr whatever it may be….thanks for the comment.

by fusi0n1

17 years, 6 months ago

To put it simply:

Boomerjinx's car is a fan-made customised car for himself (and looks sweet!)
You were wanting to update an original classic car in the movies.

See the difference?

While I'm not too fussed if the Ecto gets updated if a GB3 were to be done, but the original still has to be in there with some priority still intact (that continuously breaks down or maybe gets a total revamp with a futuristic look like how the DeLorean in BTTF2 became a hovercar - Just an example people! Calm down!)

So I think that is what got feathers ruffled is you were changing something close to home. Kinda like taking away the guys jumpsuits and replacing with MiB/X-Men style uniforms.

Get me?

It's no skin off my nose, it was an interesting notion.

For example try asking about changing something iconic in another movie forum! (And let us know if you still have your eyebrows intact afterwards!! hehe)

by IgnatzKaspir

17 years, 6 months ago

Maybe a Magnum or Cadillac SUV could make good Ecto-1 cars, but I think part of the appeal of the original Ecto-1 is that it was just so unique in 80's(and would be even now) NYC. It's a car from the 50's, with the whole classic look and the fins and everything. It just had a certain style to it. I'm not sure a modern popular car or SUV could do it justice, but who knows where Aykroyd or Ramis could go with their ideas of a new Ecto-1. If they ever do come up with another car, hopefully they don't overdo it like I believe they did with Ecto-1a, and hopefully they don't make it look too similar to the original. I'm sure they can be a little creative about it while still giving it a cool and unique look.