Can Someone Help Me!?

by EgonLover

14 years, 4 months ago

I am an Internet prowler. I came across a fan page of the RGB that mentioned Slime Trails #5. The summary of of one of the stories was Egon's been shot! (*egon) Peter's mad as hell! (*peter) ‘nuf said. I have read Birgit Staebler’s story No Name on the Bullet where Egon's shot accidentally by a cop, but I was wondering if anyone has Slime Trails#5; can you tell me if it's No Name on the Bullet or a different story? If it is No Name on the Bullet, can you scan the pictures into DeviantArt for me? If it's a different story than NNotB, can you scan the pictures for me, or send me the story? I thank you all for your help and cooperation in this. Thank you. (*winston)