Can someone please make me a signature pic?

by WayneW.

22 years, 6 months ago

I am not very familiar with computers and I want a signature and profile picture, how can I get one?
Ok, this is after reading all your replies, can someone please make me a signature pic?

by Ectoman

22 years, 6 months ago

Make one, then edit your profile, and upload them.

by WayneW.

22 years, 6 months ago

Two questions, how do I make one? How do I upload? Wlk me through the steps please. Thanks smile

by CaptainN

22 years, 6 months ago

Here you go:

1. Start a program like MS Paint, Paint Shop Pro, Adobe Photoshop, etc.

2. For a profile pic you can make it any size, but for it to look decent set the size to 200x200.

2a. For a signature pic you can make it any size, but for it to look decent set the size to 350x50.

3. Once you have created a picture you like save it as either a gif, jpg, jpeg, bmp file only. Also remember what folder you saved it to like: C:\WINDOWS\Desktop\file.jpg (If on a Mac it will be slightly differnet).

4. Log in to, and click on Profile in the right top part of the screen under your name.

5. Click on the phrase above User Info, Props, Fan Fics., etc. that says edit your profile.

6. Scroll down the screen till you see Profile Picture. Click on the browse button. Once you click on that a dialog box will open (this is were remembering where you saved your picture comes in), and you need to search for your picture.

7. Once you have found it click on the Upload Profile Photo button.

8. Scroll down the screen till you see Signature Image. Click on the browse button. Once you click on that a dialog box will open (this is were remembering where you saved your picture comes in), and you need to search for your picture.

9. Once you have done this go back to your Profile page and view your profile to see if the picture is there and if its how you like.

10. Go to one of the posts you have made (new or old), and see if your signature pic is there and if its how you like it.

11. Your done!! smile


by WayneW.

22 years, 6 months ago

Thanks, but I'm really not used to computers, so can someone please tell me how in the words you would use to a hampster or dog?

by Zack

22 years, 6 months ago

Fetch! go get the picture, boy! Now take it to Paint and resize it accordingly adding any details you want(name etc.) making sure its under the required size and kb. Good boy! Sit…sit..stay..roll over..good boy! You get a treat! etc. smile

Captain N summed it up pretty well…smile


by WayneW.

22 years, 6 months ago

Zach, how'd I know that you would reply to that one, lol. I'm just having a hard time figuring out how to get a pic into Microsoft word's paint thingy, and try to explain it this time in a form that you would talk to a….chinese tourist. Good luck!!

by borzou99

22 years, 6 months ago

oh dear, I can see this is going to take a lot of work…

why don't you have somebody make the image for you?

by WayneW.

22 years, 6 months ago


by Ectoman

22 years, 6 months ago

It's not like it is the end of the world Wayne. Get up from the computer, and slowly walk away.