can;t you just make the movie,and how much will it cost?

by tfc

23 years ago

well with the way they talked about GB2 being a bomb I have to say GB2 had a budget of nearly 90-100 million but I could be very wrong since that is alot for a film during the early 90s. But Im pretty sure that the budget for GB2 was at least double of the 30 mill for GB. So If they ever did think about making another one I say it would be a little bit more than 70 million. but it could have a budget like evolution bout 80 million or so.

by TheGuard

23 years ago

There's no way that GB2 cost 100 million. Not in the early nineties. By comparison, Fellowship of the Ring cost 100 million, as did X-MEN. Ghostbusters is not the blockbuster property that either were.


23 years ago

Actually, your wrong on the X-men budget I believesmile, and GB was a VERY big thing back then.

by tfc

23 years ago

Well the budget must have been pretty high considering that GB2 was know as a box office failure Grossing only 112 million in the US. But I could be wrong. But Im pretty sure that the budget for GB2 was around 60 million or possibly more. And if you ask me I think Bill got paid pretty good making this film. Not really postive how much but I say at least 5 million. But Im just using the facts I know cause he got paid 9 million for groundhog day.

by sparksmovies

23 years ago

Ghostbusters 2 couldn't have cost much more than 60 mil. More money that that just wasn't thrown around like it is today. And X-men was relatively low budget by todays standards… between 45-and 50 some-odd million. They conserved alot.

by Texasgb

23 years ago

I do not know the number off my head but I think that Aykroyd wanted to spend around 200-300 million. He always over estimates. He estimated GB would cost around 120 million and it only cost 31. They could probably spens 80 -120 million and make a great movie. You do not want to make GB3 a low budget film due to its huge name. It has to live up to the other two.

by Maroone

23 years ago

No, it'll probably cost somewhere around $100 - $150 million to do a GB3. If it's gonna be better than before, then they have to put more money into it. Besides, Ghostbusters isn't popular like Terminator is. Terminator beats Ghostbusters. Why bust ghosts when you can destroy them with your awesome strength?

by Texasgb

23 years ago

I believe that the GB franchise has made more money. I am not positive but I believe so.

by sparksmovies

23 years ago

Terminator 2 alone is one of the highest grossing films ever made…and although Ghostbusters raked in ALOT, it didn't catch up to T2. But that doesn't mean it's not in the same class…they both are certainly HUGE blockbusters.

by tfc

23 years ago

well the GB Franchise has made about 1.3 billion worldwide. Including cartoons and merchandise and the films. So its probaly like one of the 2nd biggest (somewhere around their). But still the budget on GB2 I mean it could have been thrown around mostly with Murray the main star of the film he really saved Columbia in the early 80s mostly with tootsie, stripes and of course ghostbusters. Those films put columbia back on the top. So I still believe that the budget was high dollar. The budget for X-men was 75 million.