Glad to hear it.
Cardboard or Foam Board is a great material to use on the first pack. It's affordable, light weight, easy to work with, and it's a great way to work towards building one out of a different material. If you take your time, the end result could par that of a pack made of styrine, wood, fiberglass, metal, ductape, etc. (hence, gbuster1a's pack!
) I fak you not, but if you plan ahead, you'll save yourself a lot of headache.
If you can read a tape measure and can convert decimal's to fractions, I'd use Stephan's plans. Secondly, for a starter pack, Norm's work well. Venkman71's are honestly the most understandable.
…of course, if you go the real ghostbuster route, measurements are by eye and what “looks right” while using the movie pack as a reference for size. (Friday is crunch time for at least one of us due to a shift change at work…four 10's on afternoon's with Friday-sunday off!)
case in point, before the shift change, here's where I left off. I still need to splice the gearbox and cylinder together. The only sane way to build that was to do it in two halves.