Most of you people know me as Bo Holbrook, The founder of Ghostbusters: Nightsquad, The original cartoon franchise. It has come to my attention that Ghostbusters International has essentially banned anymore cartoon/fan fic franchises from being created. I find this to be an outrage because there are several hard working people out there trying their best to make a fan fic franchise only to be told that GBI won't make them official. Most of this derives from their inability to keep track of the growing number of fan fic/cartoon franchises springing up and to make sure they're turning out a quality product and a professional product. I cannot allow this to happen so now begins my campaign.
My proposal is this, Since GBI doesn't want to deal with Cartoon Franchise or Fan Fic franchises they should put Myself and Vincent Belmont in charge of regulating cartoon franchises for approval to GBI's master list. If we are in charge EVERYONE will get a fair shake, But we will be firm in our stance that you MUST put forth a quality effort in your product. Other rules will be made if we get in charge but those will be thought of later.
Voice your support for this proposition my friends, Reply to this thread with your approval so we can show Louis Tully cartoon franchises are no joke. Your future depends on it!