
by ecto-21

16 years, 2 months ago

Hey, this is my first post on this forum and I really wanted to post about who I'd like to see in a third film, but the original thread was locked. Sorry for starting a new thread if the old one was locked for a reason.

Anyway, I'd just like to see a team of three new cast members alongside the original four.
New: Paul Rudd, John Krasinski, Seth Rogen
Rudd, as I think someone posted in the locked thread, is sarcastic and echoes Murray's style. I can see Rogen as a Ray type character, and Krasinski I can see being the new tall nerdy guy that has the occassional witty comeback. The only problem I see with him is that he is basically known for the Office & I don't know if he'd play a character to close to Jim.

I don't think Weaver should have a real role but more of a cameo and some mention that her and Peter finally got married, like him saying he has to go home to the old ball and chain.

Sorry if this is redundant, because of the other thread but it was locked.

by matthew1

16 years, 2 months ago

Hello Ecto-2 and welcome to the site. I hope that this is the first of many posts from you.

Can I just ask, why do you want new Ghostbusters characters?

With regards to Dana having a cameo appearance, firstly I don't think that Sigourney Weaver would do a cameo appearance for any movie and secondly I think that such a cameo would be rather pointless. I think that Dana Barratt should be left in the past.

by bigtwinkie1

16 years, 2 months ago

I wouldn't mind seeing a couple of new faces in the movie myself. Now I'm usually a pretty adamant supporter of “if it ain't broke, don't fix it” but I think we need to be open to options here. Besides, they're just ideas, right? Ideas never hurt anyone. Its just when someone puts them into practice.

Krasinski might make a very good choice. I liked him in Leatherheads actually as well as the office. I like Rudd in the stuff that I have seen him in but as for Rogan, I'm not sure. I've found his style to be very angry but I could just be imagining it.

What I would like to see is chuck these big Hollywood names out the window when it comes to new members. I'd like to see maybe some up and comers that are pretty funny to get their feet wet. Maybe some folks from Saturday Night Live would be the answer but I don't remember the last time I saw a funny episode so I guess that's out. (side note if SNL writers are reading: laughing at yourself is NOT funny. Damn you Jimmy Fallon for starting that like the plague.)

Actually, someone who I think might fit in well would be Kyle Bornheimer from TVs worst week. I'm sure he's been in other things but that is what I know him from. I like his style. I think he can be smart and dimwitted at the same time. A perfect match for the likes of the Ghostbusters. But as I said before, just my opinion.

by matthew1

16 years, 2 months ago

I've always thought that David Krumholtz is a good actor. Although he's worked on more serious stuff lately he's a good comic actor who can definately do the dry humour of Ghostbusters.

by bigtwinkie1

16 years, 2 months ago

Goldstein. Nice one.

by slimer3881

16 years, 2 months ago

if there were a new team of three. i would pick either the Spaced stars, Simon Pegg and Nick Frost, their work on Shaun of the Dead was really similar to the Ghostbusters type of humor, and it was flat out hilarious, and they could easily do American accents.

For a sixth member of the team, i'd probably pick Jason Lee, though not a fan of his bad decisions on the late (Alvin, anyone?), i would be certain he can still bring his Mallrats days back.

I think all three would be perfect, since Pegg and Frost have worked together previously, they know how to work off of each other to make it funny, Lee can play a Brodie-type character into the mix (minus the foul language), which would add alot of comic chemestry between all three.

but ofcourse this is my opinion..

by Bativac

16 years, 2 months ago

I can see Colin Hanks as an “everyman” type of guy. Like Ray only less enthusiastic and more frightened. Also I can see Danny Masterson as a more brooding Venkman-type of character.

I hope they keep Seth Rogen out of it. I don't think I've laughed at him in anything. He reminds me of a human version of Fozzie Bear, only without the charm and appeal.

by mdp872105

16 years, 2 months ago

I would like to see a bunch of real young actors that blend well and give the team the same dynamic but with there own style

Toby Mcguire could make a great Egon style character, shy, geeky, and unassuming with a style all his own. His character could be a smart kid who has gotten out of college and like Egon dabbles in science that most people don't understand or are willing to except. Because of this no company or college is willing to hire him so he turns to ghostbusters as his last hope of income.

Shia LaBeouf I think could make a good ray style of character, extremely happy and out going and is just happy to be a part of the team and experience paranormal activity. His reason for joining is he just a fan.

The guy from juno could make a interesting everyman style character his young and unassuming. He looks like a guy you would bump into walking down the street. His character could work a lot like Winston where he just walks in right of the street trying to get a job to cover his bills. However less aware of what he is getting into, but quickly steps up to the challenge and becomes a strong voice of reason for the team.

The last character I'm not sure about, but I think it should be a female who strong and hot but down plays the hotness unless has to use it. She also does not like to treated like a woman and hates it when people try to hit on her. Basically venkman's worst nightmare. She could be involved in one of the ghostbusters previous case and now wishes to work for the people who save her life hoping she will be able to do the same thing for another kid.

by scott.herring

16 years, 2 months ago

Personally i believe the originals should still take the lead roles… however if i was to throw a name in the hat, i'd say Sacha Baron Cohen. The guy is a genius.

by matthew1

16 years, 2 months ago

I've got a great idea! How about Bill Murray, Harold Ramis, Dan Aykroyd and Ernie Hudson?