
by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 9 months ago

You can relax buddy, it was just a joke. David Schwimmer isn't a terrible actor though? You haven't seen Six Days Seven Nights then.

One movie does not a career make.

And its text, surely if you're at all experienced with the forums, you'll understand that its obvious that you're joking, its going to be taken seriously.

by Ect0

15 years, 9 months ago

Doctor Venkman;143415
One movie does not a career make.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion.

And its text, surely if you're at all experienced with the forums, you'll understand that its obvious that you're joking, its going to be taken seriously.

I surely understand that in my context I am joking. If you don't, too bad. Take a breather chief.

by bigtwinkie1

15 years, 9 months ago

Along the “Friends” line though, who else wouldn't mind seeing Jennifer Aniston in one of those girly GB costumes you see around Halloween? Not saying that I'd want to see her in the film, just the costume

But that brings me to a thought: there haven't been a whole lot of suggestions for FEMALE busters. Surely they are EOE down at GB HQ. But honestly, I can't think of a lot of actresses or comediennes that make me laugh out loud. Tina Fey is somewhat funny but I can't see her as a GB. Lawyer, maybe. PR lady, sure. But honestly, no one really pops to mind terms of female busters.

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 9 months ago

Everyone is entitled to their opinion.

I surely understand that in my context I am joking. If you don't, too bad. Take a breather chief.

If everyone is entitled to their opinion, then you shouldn't be making fun of him for his suggestion of one person, as if that means he wants the cast of an entire show.

I wasn't being disrespectful to you, so there's no need for the attitude. I'm not in need of a breather. I simply told you that if you were joking, it did not come across that way. You criticized me for not understanding you were joking, then when I clarified why I did not understand that, you say “I surely understand that in my context I am joking. If you don't, too bad.” If you don't want people to misunderstand what you're saying, or your intentions of your joke, you should at least make an attempt to be sure that people do understand what you're saying.

by CrimsonGhostbuster

15 years, 9 months ago

You sissies need to stop internet slap fighting.

My choice for a female GB:
Elizabeth Banks.

by bamaskyline

15 years, 9 months ago

my Idea for the cast would be to have several who are their own personalities, it would be to cliche to pair up someone just because theyr personality fits stantz, spengler to venkman.

i love the idea of bring in female characters, i personally would see zoey and/or emily deschanel , simon pegg , jenna fisher (pam from the office) are just a few names that pop in my mind.

i see the ect 1a under the same wear and tear as ecto-1 at the birthday scene in GB2 and thus being forced to undergo repair and modifications.

for the settings, i expect them to fast forward a few years and put eveything in more modern times.

i could see dan reallly pushing the hellbent them a bit, but at the same time i would like to see hellbent crossed with the RGB episode “flipside” or maybe the episode where the tv crew screws up a portal device and swapped egon's soul with that of a creature from another dimension.

by Ect0

15 years, 9 months ago

You sissies need to stop internet slap fighting.

My choice for a female GB:
Elizabeth Banks.

Not bad, or Elisa Cuthbert. She wouldn't make a bad female GB.

by CrimsonGhostbuster

15 years, 9 months ago

Yeah, I could see her doing that.

by robbritton

15 years, 9 months ago

Everyone knows they should just get Louis Theroux in to play Egon and have done with it!

by spaceape1311

15 years, 9 months ago

You sissies need to stop internet slap fighting.

My choice for a female GB:
Elizabeth Banks.

That's my pick as well.
I'll quote my wants from another forum.

From what I've heard the only newer cast considered so far was Alyssa Milano (she's doing voice overs for the game), and Eliza Dushku.

Sigourney Weaver has agreed to also appear in the film.

Personally I would like to see this cast as the “replacements”.

Paul Rudd
Jay Baruchel
Nathan Fillion
Seth Gilliam (from The Wire)

And as the female of interest Elizabeth Banks would be fine.
Probably the freshest info out there on the movie.