
by bigtwinkie1

16 years, 2 months ago

I've got a great idea! How about Bill Murray, Harold Ramis, Dan Aykroyd and Ernie Hudson?

Who? Are these guys newcomers?

And I know basically everyone is just doing wishful thinking but this film doesn't need a whole new line up of high profile names to be attractive to people. The studio is probably going to throw some in just to get a younger generation more interested. Heck, maybe to get older generations interested too. This may sound weird but not everyone is into this movie as much as us. Some people probably think the series has gone stale. The studio (again, IF the movie is made) will probably put some new blood into it to get butts in the theater. Whether its a good or bad thing, we'll have to see.

But I agree Seth Rogan shouldn't be allowed even a whiff at this movie.

by mdp872105

16 years, 2 months ago

Thats why I made the list that I did. Bill Murray, Harold Ramis, Dan Aykroyd and Ernie Hudson are great actors and they are what made ghostbusters movie what it is today, but lets face it they're old they can't do many of the thing that they did in the orginal films. If they did make another movie they would need some other people to do the work with them having limited physical comedy for them to preform. Also a new team would open the series up for more movies and more tv series.

Is it ideal, no. But time is robbing us of what we want so we have to be satisfied with what we can get.

by bigtwinkie1

16 years, 2 months ago

Thats why I made the list that I did. Bill Murray, Harold Ramis, Dan Aykroyd and Ernie Hudson are great actors and they are what made ghostbusters movie what it is today, but lets face it they're old they can't do many of the thing that they did in the orginal films. If they did make another movie they would need some other people to do the work with them having limited physical comedy for them to preform. Also a new team would open the series up for more movies and more tv series.

Is it ideal, no. But time is robbing us of what we want so we have to be satisfied with what we can get.

Couldn't have said it better myself. That is another reason that if the game is successful we'll be able to keep our original Ghostbusters for a much longer time. Computer generated images don't age. Well, unless we want them to, in which case they can pretty much do whatever we want them to do. But I digress…

by matthew1

16 years, 2 months ago

Thats why I made the list that I did. Bill Murray, Harold Ramis, Dan Aykroyd and Ernie Hudson are great actors and they are what made ghostbusters movie what it is today, but lets face it they're old they can't do many of the thing that they did in the orginal films. If they did make another movie they would need some other people to do the work with them having limited physical comedy for them to preform. Also a new team would open the series up for more movies and more tv series.

Is it ideal, no. But time is robbing us of what we want so we have to be satisfied with what we can get.

I don't think that's true. There's nothing in the first two movies that they wouldn't be able to do today.

by bigtwinkie1

16 years, 2 months ago

I don't think that's true. There's nothing in the first two movies that they wouldn't be able to do today.

Roll around in full gear? Running down the street in full gear? Well, I guess other than that they'd be ok if you want to get technical. They'd be limited on running anywhere. And you gonna tell me Murray can still hurdle that door? Just saying.

by matthew1

16 years, 2 months ago

Big Twinkie;133426
Roll around in full gear? Running down the street in full gear? Well, I guess other than that they'd be ok if you want to get technical. They'd be limited on running anywhere. And you gonna tell me Murray can still hurdle that door? Just saying.

I'm sure that they are all fit enough to film a shot of themselves running down the street even today. They're not completely decrepit!

I doubt Murray can still hurdle that door but then again what would be the point of making him do it again? The point is that the roles in the first two Ghostbusters films were not very physically demanding for the actors and I'm sure that they could do another one with relative ease even if they are in their late 50s and early 60s. Of course, this all depends on what the script asks of them but I don't think that any future script would ask anything of them which is too physically challenging or dangerous. Even if it was, stuntmen, doubles and cgi can be used to overcome the problem, however the simplest and most common sence approach would be for the writers to write a script which doesn't include any ridiculously over the top physical scenes. In short, I doubt that they can jump fences, sprint or climb rope but I seriously doubt any future script would ask such a thing of them anyway.

by bigtwinkie1

16 years, 2 months ago

I'm sure that they are all fit enough to film a shot of themselves running down the street even today. They're not completely decrepit!

I doubt Murray can still hurdle that door but then again what would be the point of making him do it again? The point is that the roles in the first two Ghostbusters films were not very physically demanding for the actors and I'm sure that they could do another one with relative ease even if they are in their late 50s and early 60s. Of course, this all depends on what the script asks of them but I don't think that any future script would ask anything of them which is too physically challenging or dangerous. Even if it was, stuntmen, doubles and cgi can be used to overcome the problem, however the simplest and most common sence approach would be for the writers to write a script which doesn't include any ridiculously over the top physical scenes. In short, I doubt that they can jump fences, sprint or climb rope but I seriously doubt any future script would ask such a thing of them anyway.

I can't disagree with any of that. But you did say that there wasn't anything in the first 2 films they couldn't do today. I didn't say he should jump it again. I was just proving a point

by mdp872105

16 years, 2 months ago

The question i have though is how would that look seeing four 50-60 year old guys running down the streets with proton packs on there backs. I don't know it may just be me but I don't know if i would really enjoy that I almost feel that it would taint the image of our favorite heros. From a group of four young fairly fit people taking on the things that go bump in the night, to a group of four old guy who are close to going bump in the night themselves. I like to remember the four in their prime not, old and out of shape.

by Mr-Stay-Puft

16 years, 2 months ago

If part 3 really happens i cant picture anyone else except for the original cast. That includes everyone, Even annie potts. The only way i wouldnt mind seeing a new and younger cast is if they do a remake/reboot of ghostbusters which i think is going to happen. I dont think part 3 is going to be a part 3. I think they are keeping it quiet for now. I think we are going to see a remake/reboot of the franchise. Not that i mind, But please, No seth rogan or steve correll, The 2 most over-rated piece's of garbage in acting today.

by matthew1

16 years, 1 month ago

The question i have though is how would that look seeing four 50-60 year old guys running down the streets with proton packs on there backs.

It would look FUNNY!