
by PeterVenkmen

16 years, 1 month ago

The question i have though is how would that look seeing four 50-60 year old guys running down the streets with proton packs on there backs. I don't know it may just be me but I don't know if i would really enjoy that I almost feel that it would taint the image of our favorite heros. From a group of four young fairly fit people taking on the things that go bump in the night, to a group of four old guy who are close to going bump in the night themselves. I like to remember the four in their prime not, old and out of shape.

Ernie Hudson looks pretty good for his age. He doesn't look a lot older to be honest.

Bill Murray has aged noticeably, but a little makeup and hair dye could fix that. Just watch Lost in Translation, and you'll see what I mean.

Harold Ramis has gained a considerable amount of weight, and it's pretty noticeable. It's almost hard sometimes to tell it's him, but that could be because his hair is white. But a lot of times the actors train to lose or gain weight, and there's no reason he can do that to prepare for a role like this. Plus again, makeup and hair dye can change quiet a bit.

Dan Aykroyd. Starting to bald a bit more, considerable amount of weight, but you can still it's him. Don't it it'll be too bad.

by mdp872105

16 years, 1 month ago

You use the word noticeable a lot. Yeah Ernie could pull it off easily HE DOES NOT AGE but the rest of the guy let themselves go. It not that I want them completely gone from the film or to have actors that look like them acting in there place.

What I want is a cast that could work well with the team and be seen as an addition not a substitution. also with a younger team the franchise could easily go on. Using the original four alone would pretty much end the franchise there would be no real viable option to a true rebirth of the series like the game provided. In fact we have only seen trailers and we have notice changes in the actors voices.

A new younger team working with the original team would provide a smooth transaction and would rekindle the sprite of Ghostbusters and give younger audiences a chance to connect to them like we did when we where kids.

I think the fan films have really show this could work, add in a budget and some good professional actors and the new movie could be as big as the original.

by PeterVenkmen

16 years, 1 month ago

Actually, I think it's because they put the voice clips behind the music, (instead of putting it in front for only god knows why lol) that it probably sounds different. I didn't really notice a whole lot of change to be honest. Although Harold did sound a little less high pitched, and Ernie sounded like he was kind of whispering.

But voice changes are bound to happen anyway, it's just like age. But I mainly blame on the video editors for this, because the voice clips are placed more below where they normally are suppose to be in the time frame. I do video editing for fun BTW so forgive me if you can't understand what I'm talking about lol.

I wouldn't mind if it was a CGI film though, animated like the way it's done for the game. We wouldn't have much of the physical aspects in the way, but they can do some motion capture. I liked Resident Evil: Degeneration, and it would be pretty cool for something like that with Ghostbusters. I just hope it'd be more than 90 minutes lol.

by matthew1

16 years, 1 month ago

I don't understand why anyone would prefer an animated movie over a live action one.

by Mr-Stay-Puft

16 years, 1 month ago

I don't understand why anyone would prefer an animated movie over a live action one.

I agree. While i wouldnt mind a animated film, I would take a live one over that any day.

by PeterVenkmen

16 years, 1 month ago

I don't understand why anyone would prefer an animated movie over a live action one.

Well, I didn't say prefer, I said I wouldn't MIND it. That means if there ever was a GB3, I wouldn't care if it was Live Action or CGI, as long as we have one. Just like the new TMNT, I was just glad we finally had a new one. Besides, they've been picking at the idea of it being CGI anyway, it would be a lot easier for the actors to do.

by cowboyspike1

16 years, 1 month ago

I didn't want to create a new thread for this, but I think there's one important factor that needs to be looked at for GB3. The movie needs to feel reminiscent to GB1. What I mean by that is look at how dark the setting of the movie felt. Look at the pacing of the movie. Nothing was forced, like you see in most comedy movies these day. GB1 was slow, albeit not too slow. I don't want to see GB3 being disguised as a Anchorman, Super Bad, Knocked Up, or whatever.

I hope you guys understand what i'm trying to say.

by matthew1

16 years, 1 month ago

Peter Venkmen;133566
Well, I didn't say prefer, I said I wouldn't MIND it. That means if there ever was a GB3, I wouldn't care if it was Live Action or CGI, as long as we have one. Just like the new TMNT, I was just glad we finally had a new one. Besides, they've been picking at the idea of it being CGI anyway, it would be a lot easier for the actors to do.

I'd rather have no third Ghostbusters movie than an animated one.

by PeterVenkmen

16 years, 1 month ago

The way you're saying things, it makes it look like you hate animation and totally against anything animated. Kind of picky. I'd be happy just to get a third film, even if they animate it realistically it'd be cool. You're saying this as if they're still young can lug around all those props, and there is no denying that physical changes are noticeable, so I don't exactly see why it would be a bad idea to make an animated CGI film. Resident Evil Degeneration was CGI, and it was pretty dam good.

by rodie1

16 years, 1 month ago

I don't get how anyone who has seen the trailer for the video game could be against an animated film.