
by goodxxgod

16 years, 1 month ago

As long as Jonah Hill isn't in it or atleast isn't a ghostbuster I'm all for it. No wait….isn't in it…There we go.

But yeah, it won't be the same with the Original crew pulled back more, and I guess I can somewhat understand that, but you gotta know that if it comes out and is totally rejected it'll make Ghostbusters 2 look golden and for the first time in history the VIDEO GAME counterpart will be better than the actual movie!

by slimer3881

16 years, 1 month ago

very much Agreed. im really not a fan of the whole ‘mainstream comedy’ crew as of now. its very shallow, none of the newbies in the comedy scene, really have that spark of comedic genius or ability, they just kinda say goofy lines loud and obnoxiously and expect people to laugh at them.

by SeishinKibou

16 years ago

Yeah I know this thread hasn't been touched in awhile but I thought I would throw in my 2 cents anyway.

I dont know if anyone has suggested this yet but perhaps for a new recruit there could be a female member. I remember reading somewhere that Murray was up for a new buster to be a female. It would also please the female fans of the movie. As long as her character isn't cliche/poorly written. I would see her character being like Kari Byron from Mythbusters. Someone who knows her stuff and can be funny at the same time. (*peter)

I am both with and against the movie. I'm with it because I would love to see the original cast altogether again for one last run. I'm against it because I am not entirely sure how it will go. For example, Indiana Jones 4 seemed really …silly in parts. Either way I'll be watching it the first weekend its released! :-)

by slimer3881

16 years ago

as long as theres no Seth Rogan or Apatow-related cast, i'll be happy. ( no offense to the fans of them, i just dont think they're GB all.)

by doctorvenkman1

16 years ago

as long as theres no Seth Rogan or Apatow-related cast, i'll be happy. ( no offense to the fans of them, i just dont think they're GB all.)

I won't defend all of them, cuz some of them definitely don't fit, but I advise you to check out more of Paul Rudd's work if you consider him to be “Apatow-related cast”, cuz he has an excellent delivery and plays the sarcastic Venkman type quite well.

by rodie1

16 years ago

He's gonna put Corningstone on!!!!

I'd totally be down for Rudd in GB3.

by greennoodles

16 years ago

I am really surprised by all the hate for the Apatow crew here. I believe they are much more of an evolution of second city and the original SNL than guys like Kevin “Dance Fat man, Dance” James. I am not saying they all should be Ghostbusters, but Michale Cera, Paul Rudd, and Craig Robinson would fit in very nicely if you have to make a new crew. For the forth I would use Jay Baruchel (from Tropic Thunder).

The only way I would make a new cast is if there have to be replaced. i like the idea of them working themselves out of a job. They go bankrupt, some buisnessman buys the company and fires the old guys, bringing in a new, “more marketable” crew. Slaps them on lunchboxes, gives them a reality show, makes action figures, just completely prostitutes the name. They start releasing ghosts because there is nothing to bust. He lets too many (or all of them) go, the new guys quit because the work load is too big, ray buys the company back dirt cheap because said buisnessman has no choice. Ray get the old crew back together, as well as the new guys because the job is too big for just 4 guys. The old guys show the new kids how things are done.

The way to make this work is have the old guys bail out the kids and not the other way around, that is where alot of these movies screw up. And if they NEED to continue the series, you can do so with Ray as the boss and the new guys as the busters.

by bigtwinkie1

16 years ago

I am really surprised by all the hate for the Apatow crew here. I believe they are much more of an evolution of second city and the original SNL than guys like Kevin “Dance Fat man, Dance” James. I am not saying they all should be Ghostbusters, but Michale Cera, Paul Rudd, and Craig Robinson would fit in very nicely if you have to make a new crew. For the forth I would use Jay Baruchel (from Tropic Thunder).

I know I'm only speaking for myself but it's not that I HATE all of the folks from Apatow's movies. I like them just fine… in those settings. Now I mostly speak of Rogan and Hill. Maybe I'm missing something but I've yet to see them in something that doesn't require them spouting obscenities at a high volume to get a laugh.

I actually like Craig Robinson when I see him in films as well as in The Office. I like his slow calm delivery because it's still very intense because you can feel like he really means it.

I'm not going to go into every actor from EVERY Apatow film but I'll just say this: I'm not saying they are awful actors. They obviously do a great job since we know about them and they get work. I'm just saying I don't know if they are such a great fit for the Ghostbuster franchise.

On a final note, I whole-heartedly agree that if they go with new guys in the film, the originals should bail them out of a sticky situation and not the other way around. That makes it feel like they are saying the guys don't have it anymore. In the film or as actors.

by doctorvenkman1

16 years ago

The only way I would make a new cast is if there have to be replaced. i like the idea of them working themselves out of a job. They go bankrupt, some buisnessman buys the company and fires the old guys, bringing in a new, “more marketable” crew. Slaps them on lunchboxes, gives them a reality show, makes action figures, just completely prostitutes the name. They start releasing ghosts because there is nothing to bust. He lets too many (or all of them) go, the new guys quit because the work load is too big, ray buys the company back dirt cheap because said buisnessman has no choice. Ray get the old crew back together, as well as the new guys because the job is too big for just 4 guys. The old guys show the new kids how things are done.

The way to make this work is have the old guys bail out the kids and not the other way around, that is where alot of these movies screw up. And if they NEED to continue the series, you can do so with Ray as the boss and the new guys as the busters.

I agree that the old guys should bail out the new guys… but that whole buy-sell, sell-buy storyline is waaaaaaaaay too easy. Its not a complicated story. “OK, I'm a businessman, I buy this company, whore out the name, get in over my head, sell it back at a tremendous loss”. That's not interesting.

Maybe something like corporate sponsorship, or the government stepping in (since Ghostbusters might be an official emergency operation by now) and saying they need fresh blood, young guys to help take over, just like any business. That might work. I just think some random guy buying the company than selling it back all in the same movie is too simple.

Oh and to everyone who's saying they don't want to see new Ghostbusters, I have this to say… So basically, you want the world, in the Ghostbusters universe, to suffer? To not have heroes around to step in and save the day? These guys can't do this job forever. Just like anyone and everyone, eventually they'll retire, or die. If you don't have new recruits, than the company stops with these 4, and then the world is back to having no Ghostbusters around. I realize that most people are looking at it from a movie standpoint, but if you really lose yourself in the cosmos, and think of it as if it was reality, new recruits have to happen for the good of the company, and the world. Just like they had to hire Winston. He wasn't an original team member, but they needed more help, so they hired another guy. Somewhere down the line, they'll hire more new people (like the video game, which is canon remember… so there's officially going to have been at least 5 Ghostbusters by the time of the 3rd movie). Just thought I'd point that out.

by bigtwinkie1

16 years ago

Couldn't have said it better myself.