16 years, 1 month ago
16 years, 1 month ago
16 years ago
16 years ago
16 years ago
as long as theres no Seth Rogan or Apatow-related cast, i'll be happy. ( no offense to the fans of them, i just dont think they're GB all.)
16 years ago
16 years ago
16 years ago
I am really surprised by all the hate for the Apatow crew here. I believe they are much more of an evolution of second city and the original SNL than guys like Kevin “Dance Fat man, Dance” James. I am not saying they all should be Ghostbusters, but Michale Cera, Paul Rudd, and Craig Robinson would fit in very nicely if you have to make a new crew. For the forth I would use Jay Baruchel (from Tropic Thunder).
16 years ago
The only way I would make a new cast is if there have to be replaced. i like the idea of them working themselves out of a job. They go bankrupt, some buisnessman buys the company and fires the old guys, bringing in a new, “more marketable” crew. Slaps them on lunchboxes, gives them a reality show, makes action figures, just completely prostitutes the name. They start releasing ghosts because there is nothing to bust. He lets too many (or all of them) go, the new guys quit because the work load is too big, ray buys the company back dirt cheap because said buisnessman has no choice. Ray get the old crew back together, as well as the new guys because the job is too big for just 4 guys. The old guys show the new kids how things are done.
The way to make this work is have the old guys bail out the kids and not the other way around, that is where alot of these movies screw up. And if they NEED to continue the series, you can do so with Ray as the boss and the new guys as the busters.
16 years ago