Doctor Venkman;135760
I agree that the old guys should bail out the new guys… but that whole buy-sell, sell-buy storyline is waaaaaaaaay too easy. Its not a complicated story. “OK, I'm a businessman, I buy this company, whore out the name, get in over my head, sell it back at a tremendous loss”. That's not interesting.
Maybe something like corporate sponsorship, or the government stepping in (since Ghostbusters might be an official emergency operation by now) and saying they need fresh blood, young guys to help take over, just like any business. That might work. I just think some random guy buying the company than selling it back all in the same movie is too simple.
Oh and to everyone who's saying they don't want to see new Ghostbusters, I have this to say… So basically, you want the world, in the Ghostbusters universe, to suffer? To not have heroes around to step in and save the day? These guys can't do this job forever. Just like anyone and everyone, eventually they'll retire, or die. If you don't have new recruits, than the company stops with these 4, and then the world is back to having no Ghostbusters around. I realize that most people are looking at it from a movie standpoint, but if you really lose yourself in the cosmos, and think of it as if it was reality, new recruits have to happen for the good of the company, and the world. Just like they had to hire Winston. He wasn't an original team member, but they needed more help, so they hired another guy. Somewhere down the line, they'll hire more new people (like the video game, which is canon remember… so there's officially going to have been at least 5 Ghostbusters by the time of the 3rd movie). Just thought I'd point that out.
I like that idea too, mind you i just used the buisnessman idea as an example, came up with it in about 30 seconds,