
by PeopleBusters

15 years, 11 months ago

I would hate jack black as any ghostbuster. He is a funny guy but i cant see him as a ghostbuster. I might be see seth rogan cause he is a very good actor maybe as like a peter. Please no jack black

by slimer3881

15 years, 11 months ago

Jack Black is miles and miles more talented and funnier than that hack Seth Rogan.

Rogan doesnt even know how to carry a character, at all. end of story.

if Rogan can ruin a potentially funny, Kevin Smith film souly by his lackluster perfomance (eherm, Zack and Miri, which is by far the worst Smith film ive ever seen). theres no telling what damage can be done to the next GB film.

the only reason he's such a poster boy, and people like him, is because the media exploits him that he's ‘funny’ when hes anything but, and its why him and his friends' faces are slapped onto millions of magazines with titles of “princes of comedy etc.” because their the only flavor of the week, young comedian/actors to exploit. he's like the actor/comedian equivalent to the Jonas Brothers. market over talent.

by PeopleBusters

15 years, 11 months ago

Its not that i have anything against jack black it is just i dont like him as a actor. I think seth rogan to me is really funny. His charaters are designed around him i would say. Seth rogan is a funny man. Dont get me wrong i like jack black to but i have to say i think he should stick to his music. Also i must disagree with you on zack and miri i found that to be very funny maybe we have a different taste on movies. When i went to see kevin smith alot of people at his show seem to love the movie and had plenty of funny questions to ask him in regards to the movie. I dont want to seem like i am being mean its just i am voiceing who i think could play in a new cast of ghostbusters. I just think jack black wouldnt make a good characters for any of the 4 ghostbusters.

by Andreas

15 years, 11 months ago

Jack Black (40) might be a little too old now …

by slimer3881

15 years, 11 months ago

you guys want Paul Rudd, and he's 39. ( and i dont like him either)

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 11 months ago

Here are the ages of the guys when the first one came out:

Ramis - 40 (now 65)
Hudson - 39 (now 64)
Murray - 34 (now 59)
Aykroyd - 32 (now 57)

Looking at guys potentially in their late 30's and possibly early 40's is not out of the question, considering the guys weren't fresh out of college or anything when they made the first movie anyway. Early 30's is ideal probably, in case they decide they want to make more movies, but just because a guy is 40 doesn't mean he can't play a guy who's supposed to be late 20's/early 30's.

by robbritton

15 years, 11 months ago


Anyone too handsome, or too youthful-looking ought to be out from the off. There's a comedic beauty in the drabness of the original cast.

For the life of me i cannot figure anyone's problem with Paul Rudd - he's pretty much the perfect example of someone to cast to my mind. Rogen and Hill I can see why people are iffy, but Paul Rudd is SO of an ilk with the original cast in terms of dryness and physicality… the mind boggles.

by bigtwinkie1

15 years, 11 months ago

I wouldn't mind seeing Jack Black in the film. He has comedic energy, something not very plentiful in the GB films. I'm not saying I need slapstick in this movie but I'd be interested in seeing what he could do with it.

As for Rogan, there are times when he grows on me and I have thoughts that he would be ok but then he just yells again and I realize why I thought he wouldn't fit in the first place.

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 11 months ago

For the life of me i cannot figure anyone's problem with Paul Rudd - he's pretty much the perfect example of someone to cast to my mind. Rogen and Hill I can see why people are iffy, but Paul Rudd is SO of an ilk with the original cast in terms of dryness and physicality… the mind boggles.

Completely agree.

by areyouagod2

15 years, 11 months ago

I have to agree too Paul Rudd would be perfect casting, I like Bill Hader (Cop in Superbad) I dont know why sommit about him also that have a dry but funny side to him but hey we all have our differences