Cast Ideas - who do you think can do justice?

by guitar1036

15 years ago

So there's been a lot of talk about cast ideas and everyone's always got an opinion. Acting talent aside, I really think these people need to look the part. I've been playing around and think this cast could pull it off:

all original members + Kristen Wiig, Christina Ricci, Simon Pegg, and Jonah Hill

What do you think?

Note: I included annie potts in the 2nd pic. for fun.

by guitar1036

15 years ago

My idea is based on if the movie took place in current time. Pegg would be the rookie from the video game and the rest would be new recruits. Also, yes - nod to extreme ghostbusters with Ricci. Take from it what you will.

by Ponyboy

15 years ago

I think it would be important to not have anyone overshadow the original guys. I also feel if any “new” Ghostbusters are brought in… it should only be the addition of Louis Tully (perhaps he's already been made a Ghostbusters during the events between GB2 and GB3)… and Dana's son Oscar could be one as well. None of this Alissa Milano/Eliza Dushku BS for me.

by Kingpin

15 years ago

and Jonah Hill

I'd rather the film remain in development Hell then star Jonah bloody Hill.

The same goes with Seth Rogan and Michael Cera.

by Ponyboy

15 years ago

If there is any “girl” Ghostbuster added to the mix.. I'd like to see someone like Ellen Page in the role… She can deliver those witty lines really well (as opposed to an admitted hottie like Eliza Dushku)

by JSpengler

15 years ago

No no Jonah Hill, pleeease. Christina Ricci, hmmm.. Dan Aykroyd was in Casper after all lol somewhat a reunion there…

by Ponyboy

15 years ago

Ellen Page is pretty close to a “female Venkman”… she's cute, but not total eye candy… she can act! LOL