Casting Ghostbusters 3 Already??

by GhostbustersRocks

14 years, 3 months ago

It's been Confirmed and I told all of you Guys that Ghostbusters 3 is Happening!!! Ghostbusters 3 will be Filmed in New York Not Chicago. The New Trainers will be Cast in Chicago, Los Angeles and New York!!! All I can tell you Guys that Ghostbusters 3 is Happening and calling me a Liar and names who's the Liar now? Not me!! I was telling the Truth about GB3 and now there's Proof and Production begans Next May 2011 then Filming in the Spring 2011 for a Christmas Day release in 2012!!! I Told YA!!!

by jpwhittlebred

14 years, 3 months ago

If this is all true, I wonder why Sony is taking so long to release an official statement. That's what makes me worried. Anyone know of a reason behind this? Maybe they're still trying to get Murray?

by UltimateGBfan

14 years, 3 months ago

Wouldn't surprise me about Anna Farris, considering she is also in the Yogi Bear movie, but taking it with a pinch of salt.

by doctorvenkman1

14 years, 3 months ago

The site that posted the casting announcement is a personal blog guys. Pretty much solidifies the fact that its just more rumored BS, and not true… yet.

by vigo_the_butch1

14 years, 3 months ago

My only wish is for Seth Rogan to not be involved.
I don't subscribe to the belief that everything he touches turns to gold.


by jpwhittlebred

14 years, 3 months ago

Wait, is the fact that they're casting the rumor or who they are casting the rumor? The actual site seems legit. So long as they are casting, no matter who it is, means we are closer to a ghostbusters 3 than ever before.

by Snowjob

14 years, 3 months ago

Anna Faris was also in Lost in Translation with Bill Murray.

I would like to see Aziz Ansari as a Ghostbuster.

by doctorvenkman1

14 years, 3 months ago

Wait, is the fact that they're casting the rumor or who they are casting the rumor? The actual site seems legit. So long as they are casting, no matter who it is, means we are closer to a ghostbusters 3 than ever before.

The site doesn't seem that legit at all. They mis-spelled Aykroyd at least once, and its just a personal blog. Just because they listed information for a casting company doesn't make it legit. Anyone can look up some casting companies in LA and put the info on a blog.

by GB3

14 years, 3 months ago

I saw the rumors too in the last 2 days or so and I don't know what to think. The current SNL folks I don't really know how they'd be since I don't really watch SNL. Anna Faris can she be more straight? I've never seen her in a role with more drama to it, she's always more ditsy like roles. Elisa Dushku rumors from before, she'd be more appropriate. She has played roles with drama in it. Thats what i think GB's need to be like. The sense of drama with a touch of comedy, since the movies are more like fantasy dramadies. Since the movie is at least short of a year from shooting (if it happens), casting can't be happening already. Ivan Reitman would need to be involved at that point and since the script is still in the works, any pre production can't be happening. And Sony themselves haven't given GB3 the official greenlight or press release, I'd treat this as a rumor.
The thing I find really ironic is how fast Sony's gotten Men in Black III into production compared to GB3.

by jpwhittlebred

14 years, 3 months ago

Sigh. I really want to believe this, but here we go again: