Casting Ghostbusters 3 Already??

by river_of_slime

14 years, 3 months ago

I've looked on WGN radio website and found nothing so far

by PeterVenkmen

14 years, 3 months ago

Well, it seems we may be getting closer…maybe about 1% lol. Don't know what to think, because Dan's been giving lots of information like this for years, hoping to start filming at this time or that, but agian without studio conformation you should just take this as a speculated guess. As for that website, doesn't seem very legit at all, but I've never seen many actor cast calling sites before (aside from the one for the new Power Rangers series).

by shaunryan825

14 years, 3 months ago

Peter Venkmen;167267
Well, it seems we may be getting closer…maybe about 1% lol. Don't know what to think, because Dan's been giving lots of information like this for years, hoping to start filming at this time or that, but agian without studio conformation you should just take this as a speculated guess. As for that website, doesn't seem very legit at all, but I've never seen many actor cast calling sites before (aside from the one for the new Power Rangers series).
uhhh i think your right

by vigo_the_butch1

14 years, 3 months ago

Didnt Dan confirm that they are indeed casting

by PeterVenkmen

14 years, 3 months ago

Didnt Dan confirm that they are indeed casting

Yes, but as I said, he's confirmed and said lots of things about this wtihout going any further than that. We shouldn't be jumping for joy because of this, untill there's a press release that it is indeed going to be done.

by vigo_the_butch1

14 years, 3 months ago

Peter Venkmen;167294
Yes, but as I said, he's confirmed and said lots of things about this wtihout going any further than that. We shouldn't be jumping for joy because of this, untill there's a press release that it is indeed going to be done.

I guess just keep waiting

by Durstlimpbizkit

14 years, 3 months ago

What does Aykroyd know that leads him to believe that GB3 got the green light?

I mean according to several articles so far that's what he's claiming. I mean what did he hear that lead him to believe that? I guess I'm just wondering since it seems like quite a bound to believe a film is green lit and that casting is already happening.

It just seems a bit off to me that he'd feel like it had come this far along if indeed it hadn't. Then again we've been burned in the past so who really knows.

by gbfan11

14 years, 3 months ago

I'm not pulling a Patrick or anything, but you guys are waaay to negative, at no time has ghostbusters 3 been as close to happening as it is now. Even nonfans know that ghostbusters 3 is happening. I have friends tell me quite often that they heard that it is happening. I know everybody says we've been burned before, but no not really. Before it was just a rumor, it's not a rumor anymore. The film might not be greenlite, but the ball is turning!!! How about a little optimisim people, sometimes it sounds like a lot of you don't want this film to happen or something.

by doctorvenkman1

14 years, 3 months ago

I'm not pulling a Patrick or anything, but you guys are waaay to negative, at no time has ghostbusters 3 been as close to happening as it is now. Even nonfans know that ghostbusters 3 is happening. I have friends tell me quite often that they heard that it is happening. I know everybody says we've been burned before, but no not really. Before it was just a rumor, it's not a rumor anymore. The film might not be greenlite, but the ball is turning!!! How about a little optimisim people, sometimes it sounds like a lot of you don't want this film to happen or something.

That rant was kind of the definition of pulling a Patrick man, lol.

“I know everybody says we've been burned before, but no not really. Before it was just a rumor, it's not a rumor anymore. The film might not be greenlite, but the ball is turning!!!”

Yes, yes we have been burned before. And yes, the ball had been turning before. And yes, the film is not greenlit, which means this is all rumors until it is, lol.

Guarded optimism is the way to approach this. It definitely seems like its never been this close, but its still not definite yet.

by gbfan11

14 years, 3 months ago

I digress….