First we must understand how the movie industry came up.
At the beginning, a movie was an image of life.
A documentary, a clip of people working, traveling, living.
After, it became a tool to entertain, in a time where most people had a family for a dream rather than being a “music or movie star”. This magical tool gived the exemple of what a romance can contain and what a relationship should be.
The actor/actress behind their role was adored by the general public; they were the exemple of what was good. In life, in society and in someone's personal value. That's how all the glamour behind the word “moviestar” was created.
The actor/actress had to be protected from the public who was too enthousiast. The collective admiration turned the passion in somekind of madness. For the industry, it's a challenge and pure fun. Many people buy your product, like and respect you; who wouldn't like that. The goal is to make money. If certain people consider you as a god, that's not a problem it's a marketing tool.
As an actor/actress, you have your right to keep your distance. And that's where everything collapse; the crowd likes you too much, they are curious about you, so there's people who hunt artists everywhere they go to sell their personnal life. The other problem is: if the movie industry doesn't speak about you, you will be forgotten. That's why some artists does everything to be in the spotlight. You better talk, dress and buy in a colorful way if you want to be seen and get new opportunity because there's a lot of people waiting in the “starsystem” lines.
But it's also the weak point of the hollywood industry. Today the glamour is no more what it used to be (everything is a bit more artificial) and the people want more and more. If most of your movies are not interesting, your artists are not as well. You better play the “political card”: always say that the thing is good even if it's not, to convince people that your product is a big hit, than leave your industry in a fragile state.
To get mad when the industry play the “superstar” card on their actor/actress/movies/events is useless. You just give them more ammo. If you simply ignore them and focus on quality: something more artistic, better script, good acting and consider the actor/actress only as human beings who lie to you through movies to win their life, now you won't kill the industry but you will force them in changing their way. It will give more maturity to the products and the actor/actress will live more peacefully as well. We'll obtain in return better structure and a society more down to earth.
I think the hollywood industry will die by itself. Today, previews are better than the movies! I wonder how many generations will keep the industry alive before it collapse.
Hey I have a prediction: the futur of the hollywood industry will team with the game industry! We will be the actor/actress of a virtual world. We won't have to learn a script, we will only interract in the way we want inside a concept. You won't need any joystick, your character will be yourself. I imagine millions of people connecting on their virtual reality device, to play a western, a space scenario or normal life. It can give a good evening