by pfflyerboy

19 years ago

I'm fed up with the stereotype of remakes are crappy films. If you hate thsi stereo type, answer my prayers. I am looking for people who want to try and remake ghostbusters. It can be done any way you choose, but however it plays out, the movie must be reminiscent of the original. I would of course do a movie myself, but I am low on resources and am financially unable. Challenge open to any.

by JimboTFU

18 years, 12 months ago

What's a “stereo” type remake?

by fusi0n1

18 years, 12 months ago

Meant to be one word, “stereotype”.
As in and oversimplified conception, opinion, or image.

by MasterSpider

18 years, 12 months ago

It's been done. Not completely, but there's guys called “Action Comics” and I believe they've made up to about 4. I'm not a huge fan, because they're a bunch of kids who made props and instead of getting actors, they wanted to look cool and use themselves, but they're terribly unfunny. They also just basically repeat dialogue from the two movies, so I suppose you could check those out…

by JimboTFU

18 years, 12 months ago

They've got a pretty sweet Ectomobile, though.

by mitchelld00d

18 years, 12 months ago

i really dont see why anyone would want or need a remake in the first place.

remakes are for old old movies when special effects were harder to do and the actors werent that great and things like that.

Ghostbusters isn't and OLD movie, it still holds its own today and the chemistry in the movies could never really be recreated in a remake. A remake would be pointless basically because theres no reason to do one. At All.

A theatrical re-release if its just to bring it to the new generation, but still that WON'T happen, and a re-make would just destroy the series.

by pfflyerboy

18 years, 12 months ago

i really dont see why anyone would want or need a remake in the first place.

remakes are for old old movies when special effects were harder to do and the actors werent that great and things like that.

Ghostbusters isn't and OLD movie, it still holds its own today and the chemistry in the movies could never really be recreated in a remake. A remake would be pointless basically because theres no reason to do one. At All.

A theatrical re-release if its just to bring it to the new generation, but still that WON'T happen, and a re-make would just destroy the series.

This is exactly what I mean about the stereotype of remakes. Everyone thinks they automatically suck. I am challenging people to write a script, get some actors together, and make a good movie. That's all this challenge is.

P.S. Thanks to whoever corrected my spelling mistake. Also, I am looking for original scripts, not making it with the originl script.

by secrecyguy

18 years, 12 months ago

They've got a pretty sweet Ectomobile, though.

I just saw the Action Comics Ghostbusters 2. It's terrible. If you talking about the car in that movie, they did not put too much work on the Camero to make it look any good.

I check out the Action Comics Ghostbuster 3 and see how that is.

by CrimsonGhostbuster

18 years, 12 months ago

I think there should be a contest to see who has made the best GB fan film… we could have the judging be on here.

Either that or all the companies put out a compilation DVD with all their films on it, for those who are damned with dialup… like moi

by JimboTFU

18 years, 12 months ago

Freddy Vs Ghostbusters (by a long way).