by drraystanz

18 years, 12 months ago

I'm fed up with the stereotype of remakes are crappy films. If you hate thsi stereo type, answer my prayers. I am looking for people who want to try and remake ghostbusters. It can be done any way you choose, but however it plays out, the movie must be reminiscent of the original. I would of course do a movie myself, but I am low on resources and am financially unable. Challenge open to any.

Hmmm….I may have to take this challenge. A while back I was inspired by Ghostbusters 2.5 and started to write my own fan fiction for a somewhat original GB 1 plot, I may implement them into a film…we'll see.

by secrecyguy

18 years, 12 months ago

I seen most of the fan made Ghostbusters film and most of the are not that great.

I will say that Freddy vs Ghostbusters is the best I have seen so far.

by JimboTFU

18 years, 12 months ago

Don't forget the sequel!

A completely original story! (no crossover with another franchise this time…) a feature-length running time, professional cinematic cameras shooting in full 2.25:1 widescreen, better special effects, a new Ecto mobile, a bigger budget, a helicopter…and possibly even a cameo by Ernie Hudson! Can't wait! (^_^)

by BCLghostbuster

18 years, 12 months ago

They've got a pretty sweet Ectomobile, though.

I just saw the Action Comics Ghostbusters 2. It's terrible. If you talking about the car in that movie, they did not put too much work on the Camero to make it look any good.

I check out the Action Comics Ghostbuster 3 and see how that is.

Don't worry, that trans am will not be coming back. It's all but dead now, however I am in the process of trying to restore it. Here's what she's looking like nowadays:

I was hoping to use this car for the next movie, but unfortunately it still needs some work before I can drive it any kind of distance. It definitely would make a much better Ecto than the trans am did.

by drraystanz

18 years, 12 months ago

I seen most of the fan made Ghostbusters film and most of the are not that great.

I will say that Freddy vs Ghostbusters is the best I have seen so far.

And wait till my films out:

by Kingpin

18 years, 12 months ago

I seen most of the fan made Ghostbusters film and most of the are not that great.

I will say that Freddy vs Ghostbusters is the best I have seen so far.

And wait till my films out:

Well, everyone should reserve judgement for Hellbent, after all, Hank Braxtan was a film student and had the finances to do a pretty good production…

I will admit, that I wasn't aware you were a film student or had huge funds for a fanfilm… I know some stills have surfaced, but don't go saying you're bigger then ‘Freddy Vs Ghostbusters’ before you've put your movie out.

by drraystanz

18 years, 12 months ago

I'm not saying I'm bigger…I'm just saying….fan films are coming man…they're coming…