Changing Difficulty

by chgates

15 years, 8 months ago

So, I finally finished my first play-through on “Experienced” (I know, I know…work's been crazy and I haven't been able to play much), and I'm eager to start again on “Professional” (got to practice before I go on Xbox Live and get my butt kicked!).

If I want the achievement for finishing the game on a harder difficulty, can I just choose to “Replay Mission” at the first level and change the setting there, or do I have to start a new career? I don't want to lose all my scans, if I can help it.

Thanks muchly!

P.S. This game rocks.

by rockstar232007

15 years, 8 months ago

Just go back to the first mission (Your Hired), and select the difficulty. Whatever you choose, will be what you play on for the rest of the game.

by chgates

15 years, 8 months ago

Oh, good - that's the answer I was hoping for. Thanks!

by sandmanfvr

15 years, 8 months ago

You can change the difficulty at any time, just don't reload and go back to the firehouse, select the level and then chose another difficulty. I did that on an old mission just for fun.

by heslimedme251

15 years, 8 months ago

That's how I went back and grabbed the 3million achievement (i'd read it as 1million and missed the achieve by quite a fair amount) so I went back and replayed both the panic in times square and museum levels and just went to town on everything! and then loaded up the final showdown and ping, got the achieve. Damage is cumulative over every replay as it goes…only thing that is bugging me now is the under 100,000 damage. I hit one car in times square by accident and it shoots up to almost 50,000…i mean yeah, i'm playing it on professional and that's probably the mistake but hey…i'll get it eventually.

And after that block of text…let's get “on with the countdown”.