Chapter 7 - opening the gates

by onthelimit

15 years, 8 months ago

I've been stuck on the cemetary level for a half day now and have tried almost everything to get the gates open for Ecto-1. Can someone please help me with this? It's been driving me nuts!

Thanks in advance and I hope to see some of you on PlayStation network (ID:hioctanebanker).


by RoyKarrde

15 years, 8 months ago

I've been stuck on the cemetary level for a half day now and have tried almost everything to get the gates open for Ecto-1. Can someone please help me with this? It's been driving me nuts!

Thanks in advance and I hope to see some of you on PlayStation network (ID:hioctanebanker).


I assume you are at the Gate Control switch, if so, you can use the proton stream, or slime teather it. Connect one end to the block and the other to the block and it should lower after a few. If not just travel the long path to get to Gate Control and slime teather it.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 8 months ago

Since you are assuming he is at the gate you have to open up with the controls, I will assume he is further along at the OTHER gate with the angels.

Essentially when you get to this even you have to either slime tether, or wrangle beam the stone angels into the top part of the gate. After a few hits the gate will break open allowing the remainder of the team to join you

by RoyKarrde

15 years, 8 months ago

Ahh yeah there is that one too, well looks like we have both covered then.