Characters Profile

by ghostlyterrorbuster1

20 years, 2 months ago

This is potentially a great site… But… What kind of series-centred site does not has a section devoted to telling people all about the series' characters? (at least the recurring ones)? This would be really great… For example Slimer “Onionhead” Bobbleboy… Did you know that in the film uncutted version he does something to a newly wedded couple showing his evil powers (before he turns good)? or that in Spain he is called “moquete”? (a meaningless word based upon the word “mocus”, in South-America he was “Pegajoso” which means “sticky”) Well this and more general info of each character anf probably of the ghosts shown would be great for the page… Don't ya think so? Just a suggestion :$
(*janine) <—lovely gaL. .Grat char—> :-@ (^_^)