Cheap LED lights for Proton Pack?

by secrecyguy

18 years, 3 months ago

I am going to start making my proton pack. Is there any cheap LED lights I can get for the proton pack? It does not have to be 100% accurate. As long as the red and blue lights blink and move.

I seen some cheap individual red lights. I could get four of them and put it on but I rather not use those.

Is there any other cheap lights I could get?

by Dreamstalker

18 years, 3 months ago has some stuff in their PC Mods section that may work. I'd also suggest any place that sells computer modding equipment (xoxide, microcenter, etc). Being intended for computer mods, they won't be cheap though, but it all depends on what you want and can find.

I'm planning to start building mine (again)…I started, then it was ruined in a basement flood and the parts that escaped are in storage in two states. One of these days I'll get everything together…the good news is I have a motherlode of spare computer parts I could probably cannibalize.

by gbmasterman

18 years, 3 months ago

Check out Radioshack. They sell LED's individually for about $1.50 each, and I know they have red LED's that blink (not sure if they have blue ones that blink too).

by Dreamstalker

18 years, 3 months ago

A brainstorm…

I'm looking at one of those binary clocks with blue LEDs that blink in sequence (once a second). The clocks themselves aren't too expensive and the LEDs are fairly bright (even on the lowest brightness setting, mine still lights up the corner of the room at night). Just a thought if you wanted the guts mostly preassembled.