Cheap Special Effects

by Frankenstein

23 years, 1 month ago

I am going to make a movie called “Jonny Goes to Space” or something like that and I was wonldering if anyone knows any cheap tricks for like a cheesie SCI-FI movie. My other movie that I made had no spiecial effects, just fake blood. It is called “I Cut”. Its great.

by JemBuster

23 years, 1 month ago

First off, I'd like to say.HI! and nice username. Frankenstein is one of THE best old horror/sci fi flicks.
I know some lame tricks for movies because Im working on one myself with 4 friends. So far it's Titled. The Unexplained.
It has lots of monsters with some low budget costumes but im hoping it'll turn out alright. Email me for any questions.

by wingsnut25

23 years, 1 month ago

