cheapest proton pack

by Slimee

23 years, 3 months ago

what is the cheapest price for making a proton pack. like how cheap could i get yet make it look fairly good.

by Ectoman

23 years, 3 months ago

$0 dollars. If you used stuff from around the house. Cardboard works wonders if you know how to use it.

by Slimee

23 years, 3 months ago

well i don't have enough carboard. so any other prices?

by stembob27

23 years, 3 months ago

I'm making a pack right now useing Norman's plans. I started with a single sheet of plywood I found in my basement. I also got some PVC off of a friend. Mostly everything can be made by useing plywood and PVC. , all of the expensive stuff is mostly cosmetic things. When I do a project, I work in phases. Phase one is planing, it's where I decide if it's going to be too expensive and what I need, ect. Phase two , is building everything I can without spending a dime. Phase three, is forkin out the dough. Depending on how far I get in phase 2, I may never see phase three. Sometimes it just comes down to doing all you can with no money spent, and then waiting untill someone comes along and says there about to throw out a perfectly good piece of plywood. just do it.


by Slimee

23 years, 3 months ago

o i was only looking at spending at most 20 bucks.

by EPSG-9000

23 years, 3 months ago

I spent only the money for pipe when I made mine. If you go to the post office just get about 10 of those big cardboard boxes they give away. Tear the part that's glued together apart and you've got a big sheet of cardboard. If you mix that, glue, some paint, and a little polyurethane spray on it it's almost indestructable and it costs total about 15 bucks!

by wingsnut25

23 years, 3 months ago

I dont think there is really such thing as a cheap proton pack, not if you want it to look descent anyways, mine started out as a cheap proton pack expecting to spend about $60-$80 its now done, well its never going to be compeletley done, but its done, i will be slowley replacing parts here and there with ones that look better. I have pumped in a good $300, plus im still replacing things, it would have been cheaper just to do it right in the first place…

by Ectodude

23 years, 2 months ago

i just started my pack about a week ago, and its all cardboard. i mean everything, including HGA, N Filter, and Cyclotron. the only things a bought so far, was 2 different sizes of split tubing, and that clear plastic tube for the gun tip.

if you need to find a good supply of cardboard, go behind any Walgreens, got into the dumpster, and pull out those bigass bundles of cardboard. get about 2 or 3 rolls of masking tape, and away you go! get some caulk, spackling paste, and polyurathen spray, and youre set! all rounding to about… 25 bucks!

by Dr.Spengler

23 years, 2 months ago

Cardboard would work great if you used it right, were on a low budget, and we're in a hurry.
If I were to make a Ghostbusters fan related movie, I'd probably build most of the props out of cardboard, because it's easy, fun, and if done right, would look good on camera. And that's all the audience would care about! smile

by SpankyGB

23 years, 2 months ago

I think cardboard is perfect for
a proton pack. I made mine out of one of those electric radiator box, a couple of cigar boxes,(blue strobing light and gear box)styrofoam,(padding) and a pie plate(cyclotron)it's pretty light, although walking through doors is a problem…