
by inebriantia

17 years ago

I know this has been talked about before I believe but I want to re-bring up this topic because I feel like ranting, lol.

I'm getting tired of people all of the place comlain about cheating in video games. I'm on video game sites and I see people asking for help or for cheats and you get 50 ppl saying your a loser, or you suck, or cheating is ruining video games, blah blah.

Now I don't approve of those ppl who are finding ways to boost thier gamerscore through cheats, or uploading save files, or d/ling save files and using them, that's bullcrap.

However, I don't see anything wrong with using cheats, that the GAME DEVELOPERS put into the game for people to use. Now I believe a person should try playing the entire game through first, then using cheats is fine. I don't like using cheats untill I beat the game b/c then it makes me feel like it's not as fun.

There are some circumstances though where I don't mind people cheating. If you've played as far as you can, and you just don't have the skill level to go any further, I don't see a problem with it. It's frustrating when you put all that time into beating a game, and you get to a part that you just can't beat and getting some help, so you haven't wasted your time. Or people that don't have a lot of time to play games and can't get thier skill level where it needs to be, like some gamers who spends hours upon hours b/c they can.

Games have gotten to a point where they have to make them so difficult because people play games so much that they demand the toughest of games. It makes things to the point to where unless your a hardcore gamer you just can't enjoy games like you used to. There is a easy setting for a reason, now some games like RE: The Umbrella Chronicles, is freakin difficult even on easy that sometimes I wanna check the settings. I mean you can't unlock more ammo unless you shoot to blow stuff up, but you gotta have ammo to do it, plus you gotta do it on the run, while trying to keep zombies off of you, that its too hard to move your aimer all over the screen trying to see if your crosshairs pop up signaling that something is shootable, and shoot it then line back up again and shoot again to get it. Usually during that time you have 7 zombies 3 birds all attacking you. I mean they have the instant kill, but that's freaking hard too do, you gotta line up the crosshairs between the zombies eyes and wait for it to blink, all within the second or two opening you get.

So I'm looking up what I get unlocked if I get an S ranking on the stages and I see someone posting about seeing if there are any cheats. Instead of getting help all everyone posts is people complaining about how he doesn't appreciate games, and he is a disgrace to games. This is bullcrap, there's no reason to yell at the guy, especially when they don't know why he needs it.

There is nothing wrong with using cheats that the game developers put in the game. They put them there so people who need them can use them. Unless they're using one of those gameshark devices that puts cheats in a game that shouldn't be there, or one of those people that hacks gamerscores, cheats are not such a bad thing. Hell everybody celebrates the Contra cheat, it's even on T-Shirts. I mean if it wasn't for that cheat how many people would've actually beat that game it's so damn hard.

So if you hassle people about using simple cheats, think next time, don't jump all over the person's back it's not fair. Heck with RPG's nobody says anything about buying a guide, with a 40 hour plus game, sometimes there's certain things that I don't know how you'd find without someone showing it to you. Simple cheats aren't hurting the gamers, only the punks that use them during online play, or hacks that hurt other gamers for some reason.

So come on people don't complain next time, they're just trying to enjoy a game just like you are. Even if they cheat from the beginning they're only hurting themselves and they're the ones missing out, but at least they're playing the game and that's what's most important. I just wanna see more people playing games, not just the elite. I hope one day to be able to play games with my kids without having to lose everytime, and he grows up not enjoying them.

by Frosty

17 years ago

I pretty much agree, but I think it's also acceptable to use a cheat once you've beaten a game. You know, to go back and see all the stuff you might miss just playing the game straight through.

by fusi0n1

16 years, 11 months ago

I don't care about cheating either.

Being a dad of 2 kids, my time on video games is limited to nights and their nap times during the weekend.

So when I'm running around aimlessly lost in a level, and the developers have failed to make it fairly obvious where to go. I go and look at a walkthrough faq to see where to go next.

If I had hours to kill, sure I'd wander aimlessly around, hell I did it with the earlier Tomb Raiders back in the day. But no, I have no time now. That is the only time I'll cheat.

I also have family members who enter cheat codes into the GTA games, and they haven't even bothered to play the game, they just run amok and blow up everything. That annoys me.

by inebriantia

16 years, 11 months ago

Yeah I know what you mean about the GTA thing. I don't really get into them that much. I mean I've played them I just got bored with them, especially with the last one, there was just too much side stuff to do. If I remember right I believe you even had to adjust your weight to appeal to certain people or whatever.

Anyways it just always seemed like all my friends ever did was start up the game, then enter in all the cheat codes they wanted to use that they had memorized and could execute within a few seconds from practicing executing them so much. Then they just ran around the whole time just blowing stuff up, stealing cars, and killing people. It seemed like they would never even bother with playing the game.

I mean with game prices being so high costing 50 to 70 bucks a piece I like to try and play it through and enjoy the storylines, and discovering things on my own for that sense of accomplishment.

I understand your predicament, with the time. That's why I don't mind people using cheats, or guides, or walkthroughs. As long as they use them for the right reasons. Like a second time through the game, or if your stuck and just can't figure something out.

I just hate people complaining all the time when someone asks for a cheat code, then a person yells at them telling them how its ruining the entire gaming community, all the while he's using a gameshark or something. Even if they wanna ruin thier experience like the GTA ppl, it's thier money, at least they're playing games and helping the game market.

Like I said the ones we need to be stopping, and yelling at are the hackers, who hack games, and gamerscores, and these new gamesave files where someone gets to a point or unlocks everything, and someone goes online d/l's it, uses it then plays the game with everything unlocked. It's not fair when a game like Super Smash Bros. Brawl comes out, I go online with Sonic which I played hours to unlock, and someone who has owned the game 20 minutes logs in, and whoo he's got Sonic too.

Now if he wants to use cheats and make the game easier to get Sonic that's fine, b/c at least he still had to play the game through and spend the time, even if it's easier. It's the hackers not the cheaters we need to be stopping, and yelling at. I hate seeing someone who loves to play games like yourself, who doesn't have the time really, but still wants to stay involved with the gaming community, but needs some help, gets yelled at and possibly turned away from games.

That makes me sad to see people not being able to enjoy video games.

by Kingpin

16 years, 11 months ago

The ‘running around, blowing up things, stealing cars and killing people’ thing about the GTA games has never bothered me as I've done that plenty of times. The early GTA games, going back to when it was a ‘top down’ view in the game never appealed to me on a story level. And unfortunately the overriding factor is that the ability to do carnage will always overide the stories of the past games because it's so simple to do.

It might change with the new one, but it might not. It's a great way to just work out stress and frustration, so I don't see a problem with doing it.

by inebriantia

16 years, 11 months ago

There isn't anything wrong with it, I just don't understand why someone would buy a game and not play the story at all. The people I was talking about for example was this guy I know, he rushed out and bought the last game the day it came out. Then he just got the cheats to unlock refill health, all the weapons, etc. Then all he ever did was just run around pulling people out of cars, shooting ppl, and wrecking the cars and then doing the entire process over and over again. He never bothered to even play the storyline mode and progress anywhere. He just bought it to shoot ppl and steal the cars. He would never even spend his money buying new stuff, he just kept his guy the way it was when the game first starts. If there wasn't a cheat for something, he just didn't get it.

That's the type person I was talking about, I'm sure you played through the game's story at least a little bit. There's nothing wrong with doing that, I just didn't like it when I went over there and he would spend literally 2 or 3 hrs at a time, just running around doing the exact same thing, thinking it was the most awesome thing in the world to pull someone out of the car and shoot them even after the 8000th time he had done it in a row. He missed out on everything, even when he traded it in, he had never played a single mission.

by PeterVenkmen

16 years, 11 months ago

There isn't anything wrong with it

Video Game cheating yes…other cheating is another story.

by inebriantia

16 years, 11 months ago

Peter Venkmen
Video Game cheating yes…
What do you mean? That covers many different angles and aspects.

Peter Venkmen
other cheating is another story.
Which kind of cheating?

by Kingpin

16 years, 11 months ago

Peter Venkmen
There isn't anything wrong with it

Video Game cheating yes…other cheating is another story.

He said that in relation to my comment about running around in GTA, that there was nothing wrong with doing that in the game.

by PeterVenkmen

16 years, 11 months ago

Peter Venkmen
other cheating is another story.
Which kind of cheating?

Cheating on your girl friend. Cheating to win the Olympics. Cheating on your school exam. I'm not talking games here, I'm talking REAL, morally wrong cheating, which isn't ok.

But I'm going off topic here, just wanted to get it out of me lol. Sorry :p