cheats ps3, trainers pc?

by jogi82

14 years, 5 months ago

are there any cheats for ps3 or other consoles?
or trainers/mods for the pc version?
whant something different than playing the same game over and over again?
finished the 56. time (compleat from start to finisch in a row with all scans and artifact each time) today!

by theling

14 years, 5 months ago

I hope I'm wrong about this but from what I understand these newer console ports are encrypted so that modders can't access and mod the games.

This is too bad because the games which can be modded last for years and years beyond what it should. From what I've heard, GB is one of those games that can't be hacked and altered.

This is bad news for the PC community.

However… I recently bit the bullet and got Xbox live. Ghostbusters is by far my favorite game. Long have I lamented the absence of a skirmish mode, but multiplayer basically is a skirmish mode.

So if you're sick of the single player (yes, I've been playing it for a year straight myself!) multiplayer will satisfy in many ways. There are a number of ghosts that are exclusive to multiplayer… so that will be exciting coming from the 56th time in single player!!

by jogi82

14 years, 5 months ago

yeah, i know! im playing multiplayer too parallel to the single play since i got it on release day!
the problem there is that the game isnt suportet by terminal reality, so no dlc (map pacs ect.) released!
a few weeks ago i saw a utube video from batman arkham asylum! in this video the player blast a wall and found a hidden room with a map from the 2nd part arkham city, wich is going to be released next year! it was there all along!
something like that in gbtvg?

by Coldwin

14 years, 3 months ago

by theling

14 years, 3 months ago

If you could spawn ghosts of a type of your choosing I would run out and buy the PC version right now.
I wonder if the way that the code is written that something like that could be possible?