Chiller Theatre????

by Mr.Happy

23 years, 4 months ago

I was at Chiller and the packs that I saw were terrible.
Talk about lack of neatness.
These things were a mess.

Is there any reason for this? Are these packs ones that you don't care for that much? Ones that you didn't mind if they got broken?

The lights were right (mostly) and everything was shaped right (mostly) but it all looked like it was slapped together by a child.

Come on guys, how could you care so much and put such little effort?

I'm ashamed as a fan and pack builder.

by Volguus

23 years, 4 months ago

“Hey, hey, hey… don't be mean. We don't have to be mean.” - Buckaroo Banzai

Or, another apropos saying here would be, “half of something is better than all of nothing.” The Manalapan GBs were there in full regalia, and yeah maybe you & I would notice some globs of hot glue & “creative license” with some lighting, but the general public was wild for them & the cameras never stopped clicking. Meanwhile, my own pack, which I'm being told is at least equal to the PHDC pack, sat in my trunk, incomplete, viewed only by the few fanatics who would follow me out to the parking tower.
So which would you say made more of an impact that day, hmm?

- K -

by Ectoman

23 years, 4 months ago

Let's see your pack Mr. Happy.

by Dc30

23 years, 4 months ago

As a fellow Jersey franchise member, I whole heartedly support the MGB's efforts and gear. For young guys they do a great job with little experience and tons of determination. They are far from being propping whizzes and have never professed to be, but as time goes on they will mold their craft, as all the proppers on this board have at one time or another. I doubt Norm's very first pack could hold a candle to what he recently produced. And believe me, they have come a long way from the packs they had at last years October Chiller, as I'm sure any packs they make from here on out will be better than what they have now. Propping is a learning process and they have plenty of time to learn, but they sure have fun while they are doing it, and everyone who was there and wanted pix with us (JZGB's and MGB's) didn't care what the MGB's gear looked like at all. And if you'd like to see pix of the JZGB's gear you can either hit up our franchise site at, or just email me for some pix as Spengs and I have identical packs. Later all.


23 years, 4 months ago

thanks for backing us up Dc and volguus but hey Mr.Happy I'd like to see your packs and swe worked hard on our and I dont think its a bad pack heres a pic!


23 years, 4 months ago

To have that username, he isn't real happy.


23 years, 4 months ago

lol Jesusfreak!, And im going o agree with all the peeps cept happy there…prop maken is very fun hard and challenging, no one props a good at first but they will progress, i mean come on im still working on my first pack and i think FOR MY FIRST it looks pretty, oh and i did it outta my mind, i get the pics on as soon as possible.

by Mr.Happy

23 years, 3 months ago

You want to see my first pack.

It's already on the site. It's the one BBB claims to have made.
I'm responsible for everything but the gun.

I'm not saying that it's a great pack but at least it doesn't look like a third grader slapped it together.

I was actually contacted by Columbia Pictures (believe it or not) because they thought my pack was the best they have seen on the net. Ivan Reitman was very impressed. I would have done business with them but I couldn't produce adequate blueprints, so they found somebody else.
They even said that it's better than your guru Norm's packs.

So there!!!
Roll that in your paper and smoke it.

N (in wingdings) is waiting

by Ectoman

23 years, 3 months ago

OMG You made that one!?! That is the best pack I've ever seen! With that nice over sized spacer, and the wonderful under detail booster frame! I bet Dan Aykroyd himself contacted you!

Guys. Mr. Happy is BBB, he is pulling another one of his stunts. He was at Chiller, and he thinks his backpack is quote, “The Best Proton Pack Ever Made by Human Hands” Anyone remember Movieguy? I'm going to suggest that BBB be banned.


23 years, 3 months ago

Yep your're correct Ectoman,it is BBB. I actually talked to BBB while I was at Chiller and all he talked about was his “great” pack. I know its him and believe me the guy is so self centered and even more immature in person. Iv'e seen his pack and I know its horrible so I'm not gonna let his comments bother me. The important thing is that I know my pack is good and I know my new packs in progress are even better and thats what's important.