Chuck Jones Dead....

by SkullLeader

23 years ago

Yesterday (Febuary 23) Chuck Jones died of Heart Failure. This is a very sad day indeed. He was incredably old, born in 1912. He had 6 grand children and 6 great-grand children.

You can read about his life here:

His most famous work was “What's Opera Doc?” Which won several awards.

This is truely a sad day, I feel bad that my nephews will live in a world without the brillance of Chuck Jones…

by SpiffSupreme

23 years ago

A sad day indeed.

I guess that's all I have to say.

by NetSolo

23 years ago

Unbelievable… somehow I always end up hearing these things at the worst possible times (Candy, Farley, Music).

He will truely be missed.

by Ectodude

23 years ago

dont forget Belushi. if he didnt die, Ghostbusters would of had a much different face.

may they all rest in peace.

by bigpapi428

23 years ago

*sniff sniff*
awww.. not good this day will be remembered forever.

by borzou99

23 years ago

a moment of silence…

by GhostGurl

22 years, 12 months ago

that totally brought down my day seriously, it was such a loss to the world!