Clarification on new Ghostbuster 3 film for charity.

by iceman1

19 years, 1 month ago


My name is Steve Frost, and I have been asked to comment on this board over the post, “ghostbusters 3' TV movie: being made in UK for charity” which can be found at this thread:

The main reason I have been asked to post here is because of the spurious rumours and general ‘put-downs’ that have been voiced by some of the members of this board.

I work as the senior effects director for the company who will be producing the special effects for this movie, and I think the best way forward is to outline some of the facts, not the false assertions that are abounding on this forum.

To start with, you are correct that this film is not an “official” Ghostbusters III movie. However, to label it a “fan movie” is also totally inaccurate and just plain silly.

The facts are that the owners to the rights of Ghostbusters were paid a sum of money (£100,000) for a release of rights to produce a movie that is based on the original movie and characterizations.
In some respects this is a parody movie (for legal distribution reasons) and will have a limited cinema release only in the UK at this time.

Secondly, the film has some of the original cast members doing cameo roles, but they will not be leads within the movie as the storyline does not revolve about them, but about the “Ghostbusters franchise” that some collage leavers pick up on. I’m sorry but I cannot say more on this as an NDA agreement prohibits the release of other information to do with plot.

Thirdly, the producers are the award winning Catch22, who produce, in association with Antix, some of the living TV releases, for example, Most Haunted, etc.
The Production Company is the Indi company of Morguefridge, but because of the charity implications, MagooTV a wholly owned subsidiary will be overseeing the release.

Finally, the “Doofus” who posted on this site was an employee of the production company, and was not authorised to make such a posting. I can only say in his defence that he was a little too enthusiastic over getting the word out. The production company and the producers would like to apologise over any upset this may have caused for the members here.

On a personal note:

I am a great fan of the Ghostbuster movies, and I would ask that his boards members simply go and take a look themselves at what is going on here. You would loose absolutely nothing if you applied for a cast or crew position with them. You may actually get chosen and become something that I am sure any real fan of Ghostbusters would want to be, and that is being involved in what will probably be the only Ghostbusters 3 that will ever be done commercially.

Yes, sure, I know you could say that their will be plenty of “fan movies” that you could get involved with, but in truth, we all know that they will be a poor reflection of a real movie which has, so far, paid out something in the region of £340,000 to get GB3 off the ground.

So support this movie while you can, because you wont, in my opinion, get another chance to be actively involved in your favourite movie.

Thanks for reading.


by texasgb1

19 years, 1 month ago

Best of luck on any project you take on but keep one thing in mind: You need to back up what you say if you expect people to believe you. For example, you claim that origional cast members are taking part in this fan project. Besides possibably having one or two extras from the movies, this statement is a bit far fectched. Also in the post you linked it mentioned that the you have permission to use the Ectos in you film. This again is not very credible.

BTW you may want to think twice about posting something like this for you first post on the boards. People will most likely not take you serious.

by Kingpin

19 years, 1 month ago

Would I be right in assuming that ‘Doofus’ was the member of your team who contacted me about a ‘GB Expert’ position?

I ask as, well, If he was then some of the things he mentioned (Which I will NOT be reposting here for the benefit of the memberbase) seemed a little odd… almost convoluted and beyond the abilities of a charity based production.

Just to echo Tex's comments, I'm sure if you were able to provide some form of proof… such as you standing beside the Ectomobiles then that would put some talk to rest… you should of course understand people being wary when there's talk of original actors and screen used props.

by Peter_Randall

19 years, 1 month ago

Yes, sure, I know you could say that their will be plenty of “fan movies” that you could get involved with, but in truth, we all know that they will be a poor reflection of a real movie which has, so far, paid out something in the region of £340,000 to get GB3 off the ground.

Hey, don't be doing Freddy Vs Ghostbusters down.

by iceman1

19 years, 1 month ago

To answer your questions and points:


Best of luck on any project you take on but keep one thing in mind: You need to back up what you say if you expect people to believe you.

I understand what your saying, however, my task on this forum was to clarify what was going on. If it is “proof” that you need, I suggest the following:

1. Apply to help.
2. Go to the pre-production meetings, which are open to fans.
3. Meet the cast and crew at the press conference scheduled for the 8th of April.
(I am sure that this board would love to have an exclusive interview or other material relating to the film)
4. Go down to the first days main shoot, which is also open to fans.

For example, you claim that origional cast members are taking part in this fan project. Besides possibably having one or two extras from the movies, this statement is a bit far fectched.

Firstly, it is not a fan project. It amazes me when people post statements like this after a post in which it was clearly mentioned that it was a commercial venture and not a fan movie. Please read my posts before commenting on them as it is pointless to start posting things that mislead your members. The whole point to me being here was to help sort out the confusion that was caused to your community members in the first place.

Also can I ask that you back up your statements before you make them. You say, “Besides possibably having one or two extras from the movies, this statement is a bit far fetched.”
Why is it? Because you no doubt feel it is. But again its pointless posting something like that as it merely detracts from the credibility of the film to your own board members.
I appreciate you have to be careful as anyone can post anything on the internet, but instead of repeat postings of negative things, try looking in to it more and if you then have some concerns I would be happy to answer them here for you.

Also in the post you linked it mentioned that the you have permission to use the Ectos in you film. This again is not very credible.

The car in the Ghostbusters movies is now basically rotting away. A new car was commissioned by the film makers and is being picked up this coming Monday from the manufacturers in Kent.

BTW you may want to think twice about posting something like this for you first post on the boards. People will most likely not take you serious.

Its up to them, but as I have said, I am here to reassure this community and to clear up any misunderstanding.


Would I be right in assuming that ‘Doofus’ was the member of your team who contacted me about a ‘GB Expert’ position?

I am sorry, but I cannot say if that is the same person. It may well be, but I have not been given access to any personal p2p postings. Only the open forum ones.

I ask as, well, If he was then some of the things he mentioned (Which I will NOT be reposting here for the benefit of the memberbase) seemed a little odd… almost convoluted and beyond the abilities of a charity based production.

If that is the case, perhaps you could forward the emails to the production company or the produces. However, once again, I am sorry for any concerns it gave you.

Just to echo Tex's comments, I'm sure if you were able to provide some form of proof…such as you standing beside the Ectomobiles then that would put some talk to rest…

Of cause. That is not a problem.

One of the things that the producers seek to do is to draw on the fan base for this film and like any film, if the fans are involved (and happy) then it will benefit the movie in several ways.

I will be posting on this site, with your permission, a series of photographs and also the movie teaser which is being released in a months time to the press. I would be willing to release it here before that time if it helps you all get involved and calms any fears members may have.

After that, you will be receiving a press pack so that you may update your members up to the time the movie is finished, as I am sure you understand, I cannot be here every day posting what’s going on. I do have work to do!

you should of course understand people being wary when there's talk of original actors and screen used props.

I agree.
As for original props, we are not using them. We are reproducing them from the original concept models as some are unusable or in archives. The film will also introduce fans to some new technology made specifically for the movie.

I hope this fully answers your questions, and if you have anything else, please post here and I will do my best to reply to them as soon as I can.



by matthew1

19 years, 1 month ago

I don't beleive a word of it.

A UK Ghostbusters III? Sony licencing it? Paying all that money just to use the licence? Some of the original actors making appearances?

Oh look, there goes a flying pig!

by Para-psychology_doc

19 years, 1 month ago

and even if it DID get made, that wouldnt be too good of a movie, would it? I mean… Ghostbusters is a New York movie, you gotta have it in New York. All of us guys that make our own franchises and make fanfilms, thats kool, were not actually TRYING to be the originals, but by dubbing this movie Ghostbusters 3, these guys are trying to make a statement that they are indeed attempting to be the originals. And again with this thing about some of the original cast returning… If it couldnt get done in Hollywood, then how the hell would it happen like THAT?

by texasgb1

19 years, 1 month ago

Iceman, I dont see why I need to offer any proof when you are the one making what most people seem to feel are far fetched claims. Again, I applaud any effort to grow the GB franchise, but what you are saying really does not seem to be possible. If you have actors from the GB movies, name them. If they are involved, then we should be able to find out more on their personal web sites or other places such as IMDB. The fact that the Ectos are in such bad shape (undriveable) also makes it very hard to believe that you project has access to them. I hate to be critical but you claim alot without any evidence but rhetoric. Please offer some hard proof and people will be more than willing to support your project.

by MasterSpider

19 years, 1 month ago

Access to the Ecto's!?!?! hahahaha I didn't even see that. I'm probably the one who used the term ‘doofus’, by the way…

by iceman1

19 years, 1 month ago

With all due respect……

I am not here to prove anything so-to-speak. I was asked to clarify with this board what was going on and to apologise to its members for the upset that was caused to them from the original postings.

That’s all.

But I will answer these points now you have posted them.

I don't beleive a word of it.

A UK Ghostbusters III? Sony licencing it? Paying all that money just to use the licence? Some of the original actors making appearances?

Oh look, there goes a flying pig!

Yes, well, your entitled to your opinion Matthew, such as it is. However, instead of posting why not simply email Sony and ask them if they have granted a licence for it?
Its as easy as that.

Then you can stop seeing all those pigs flying!


and even if it DID get made, that wouldnt be too good of a movie, would it? I mean… Ghostbusters is a New York movie, you gotta have it in New York. All of us guys that make our own franchises and make fanfilms, thats kool, were not actually TRYING to be the originals, but by dubbing this movie Ghostbusters 3, these guys are trying to make a statement that they are indeed attempting to be the originals. And again with this thing about some of the original cast returning… If it couldnt get done in Hollywood, then how the hell would it happen like THAT?

Two points here.

1. No one is trying to be anything like the original cast. The original cast is appearing ONLY to have the link there with the old Ghostbusters. The film takes the original Ghostbusters and sets up the premise of a new Ghostbusting team set in Europe, with the blessing of the old Ghostbusters.

2. I agree it could not get done in the USA, and we all know the reasons why. But the licence that was eventually bought limited Ghostbusters3 to an out of states release in a single country.
It was the best anyone could do.
And of cause some of the original cast did not wish to appear in the movie. However, some did, so they are.

It is hoped at the end of the day that when it is released, the owners of GB see how well it plays (which it should do in England) and then grant it a full world distribution licence. But that is out of our hands.


Iceman, I dont see why I need to offer any proof when you are the one making what most people seem to feel are far fetched claims. Again, I applaud any effort to grow the GB franchise, but what you are saying really does not seem to be possible. If you have actors from the GB movies, name them. If they are involved, then we should be able to find out more on their personal web sites or other places such as IMDB. The fact that the Ectos are in such bad shape (undriveable) also makes it very hard to believe that you project has access to them. I hate to be critical but you claim alot without any evidence but rhetoric. Please offer some hard proof and people will be more than willing to support your project.

Much as my reply may upset some here, I have to say the following:

I dont see why I need to offer any proof

Unless this is a free for all type of forum, then you, as a moderator would generally be held above most of the normal users and would be expected to back up what you say…not just because you can say it.
I pulled you last time as it was clear that you had not bothered to fully read my post, and yet again, in my opinion, you show me that you had not bothered this time either.

If you are going to ask relevant questions then please do so, but I will not waste any more time re-emphasising points to you that I have already spoken about.

For example you again say : The fact that the Ectos are in such bad shape (undriveable) also makes it very hard to believe that you project has access to them.
And that was after I answered the very same point in the last post by saying The car in the Ghostbusters movies is now basically rotting away. A new car was commissioned by the film makers and is being picked up this coming Monday from the manufacturers in Kent.

As for a list of actors from the original films, and for some other forms of proof, I (again) re-point out to you that : I will be posting on this site, with your permission, a series of photographs and also the movie teaser which is being released in a months time to the press. I would be willing to release it here before that time if it helps you all get involved and calms any fears members may have.

After that, you will be receiving a press pack so that you may update your members up to the time the movie is finished

And I will discuss with the producers and the original actors from Ghostbusters tomorrow, if they want at this time to alter the NDA agreements so that their names may be released now to the public. Remember that the official release of information would have been in a months time and not now, but I cannot foresee any problems myself with this information getting out in to the public domain.

