Clarification on new Ghostbuster 3 film for charity.

by MasterSpider

19 years ago

Fan films lacking in originality like that should next to never be even given attention. So many kids have come saying they're making a Ghostbusters III fan film, and it's just not the greatest idea to begin with. Your points go up if you use original characters, and that's how you get everyone's attention.

Obviously it's one of the former, someone making a GB3 fan film for namesake only. It's definately pretty lame, charity or not. Pretty funny news that what he meant by “for tv” was for an internet tv channel. But it's good that everyone knows now…

by matthew1

19 years ago

I much prefer reading fan scripts to watching fan films.

by JimboTFU

19 years ago

I know what you mean, Matthew. Your imagination can make it seem just as good as the official products whereas fanfilms are often badly executed.

However, I reckon Freddy Vs Ghostbusters was very nicely made and its sequel is looking even better.

by moggers

19 years ago

now then kids

if you refer to the original charity movie speculation post you will see that i am the ‘doofus’ that initiated this fracas

lets get some things clear-

1) i don't work for anyone to do with this production company.

2) i happened across the whole thing whilst looking at the job adverts on a uk goverment website, one, as quoted said they were looking for production crew for ‘ghostbusters 3’

3) on seeing this, i thought the same as all of you- as if!?

4) so i came here to see what you guys thought about the plausibility etc.

so if icemans making it, why doesn't he just go and do what he's doing and then come back with it (or not as the case may be) and there will be no dispute as to whether or not he's full of it.

as for the countless arguments as to the quality of the finished product… well im sure you guys'll get a good few months mileage out of that! ;-)

i live in the city it is allegedly being filmed in so i will keep my eyes and ears open, and needless to say, if this picture does materialise i will be happy, as a neutral medium, to check it out and give you guys the lowdown before it appears in the us of stateside.

i know its old hat now, but this is the first time ive checked back for ages, so i thought id just clear my name!

any questions?

by MasterSpider

19 years ago

yeah, your post didn't really make clear who you are and I don't really know what you have to do with it, so if you could quote what you originally posted or whatever, that'd be grand…

by CrimsonGhostbuster

19 years ago

Jesus… why hasn't this thread been deleted yet? Every time I think it's gone… it just cooommees right back.