Clarification on new Ghostbuster 3 film for charity.

by 9sam11

19 years, 1 month ago

just emailed sony about this, we will find out once and for all if hes lieing…

by iceman1

19 years, 1 month ago

I’m sorry for the late reply, but I was very busy over Friday/Saturday morning.

I did contact the relevant people, and I have now been authorised to give you the information your asked for.

I will be getting a fax from the Ghostbusters leads who will be appearing in cameo in Ghostbusters3, which will modify their NDA agreement. I will get this Monday Morning and as soon as I do I will post everything here.
I promise you all that the information will be here Monday as I will do my very best to chase it up should their be any delay. So please bare with me while I do that.

9sam1 : just emailed sony about this, we will find out once and for all if hes lieing…

You will need the contract licence number for that, as I am sure you realise there have been (probably) thousands upon thousands of people apply for some form of licence over time. I will post the licence number for you on Monday too, so that you can verify it.

Matthew : Sorry Iceman. I don't mean to be rude but I just don't beleive you. I'm a “I'll beleive it when I see it” kind of guy" that's all.

That is perfectly understandable and I take no offence at all. I know your just being careful.

Ok, have a good weekend, and I will post here again on Monday.



by 9sam11

19 years, 1 month ago

not sure what i need this number for , all im asking for is varification that this is real

by doctorvenkman1

19 years, 1 month ago

Well, its Monday… where's your proof there guy? And does anyone else find it funny that HE suggested, a couple days ago, e-mailing Sony to see if they've provided a license for it, but now he says you'd need to have the contract number? This guy's a liar!

by CrimsonGhostbuster

19 years, 1 month ago

There IS a Ghostbusters III fan film being shot in New York…

by Para-psychology_doc

19 years, 1 month ago

See now THAT one makes sense, at least they're in New York.

by iceman1

19 years, 1 month ago

Before I start, just something that needs to be said over posts:

Well, its Monday… where's your proof there guy? And does anyone else find it funny that HE suggested, a couple days ago, e-mailing Sony to see if they've provided a license for it, but now he says you'd need to have the contract number? This guy's a liar!

Please don’t make statements like that….It solves nothing, and in the end makes you look like an idiot when I post the information.
I am not here to fire fight every flame/nonsense posting from students etc. I am here only to give the information needed. So I will not be engaging in answering anymore “liar/not true/scam/ postings, as it is a waste of time and effort and gets us nowhere and only confuses those on the board that are waiting to hear.

Ok, that said, let me continue:

The information I am about to post needs to be confirmed from the administrator of this board and I am waiting for KingPin to pass the information needed. Please accept that the issue is real and concerns one of the original Ghostbusters cast and as soon as we talk to either the administrator or to Ben (KingPin) the information will be posted.

I hope you can understand that this is simply business and contractual obligations that I am doing my best to wade through so that you all can get at the information.

I cannot see it taking more than a few days.



by 9sam11

19 years, 1 month ago

why in the world do you need kingpins permision to do anything just post your proof

by Kingpin

19 years, 1 month ago

why in the world do you need kingpins permision to do anything just post your proof

I had no idea either… He said he needed to talk to Chad, and that I was the guy he knew who could get them in contact with each other. I let Chad know of thos stuff… so it's outta my hands now, or should be.

by MasterSpider

19 years, 1 month ago

Haha yup. He probably thinks Chad's going to take however long to respond and he'll be able to think of an excuse in that time…