Clarification on new Ghostbuster 3 film for charity.

by 9sam11

19 years, 1 month ago

Master Spider
Haha yup. He probably thinks Chad's going to take however long to respond and he'll be able to think of an excuse in that time…

lol thats probly it, not sure why he needs permision from anybody and couldnt he just send a pm to chad or something earlier so that hed have the proof on monday like he said?

by iceman1

19 years, 1 month ago

“not sure why he needs permision from anybody”

I don’t.

As I have said in my last post, it is simply business and contractual obligations, nothing else.

So where this idea about “He probably thinks Chad's going to take however long to respond and he'll be able to think of an excuse in that time.” has come from, I don't know.

I already have the information, so I cannot “loose it” and suddenly not post it. Please gentlemen, think before you post comments like that.

The information will be posted as soon as Chad has been contacted.



by 9sam11

19 years, 1 month ago

i personally hope your telling the truth any kind of new gb movie is good to me, but it just seems a bit skeptical, anyway if this does get released how will people like me in the usa be able to veiw it?

by MasterSpider

19 years, 1 month ago

I already have the information, so I cannot “loose it” and suddenly not post it. Please gentlemen, think before you post comments like that.

Haha thanks for the tip, buddy…

by Peter_Randall

19 years, 1 month ago

Hey, Iceman, do you know how to use the ‘quote’ button?

by matthew1

19 years, 1 month ago

Yo Iceman! What is this? Top secret government information? C'mon man, spit it out. You say it's not a fan film and that it contains one of the original Ghostbusters cast.

Is it a television program?

A game?

Are you lying and just want attention from us Ghostheads?


by CrossingtheStreams

19 years, 1 month ago

yea im with 9sam1….. will this movie be sold on the internet or anything?


by 9sam11

19 years, 1 month ago

still not sure why he needs to talk to chad at all, this is the internet he can do whatever he wants he dont need anyones permission

by doctorvenkman1

19 years, 1 month ago

Please don’t make statements like that….It solves nothing, and in the end makes you look like an idiot when I post the information.
I am not here to fire fight every flame/nonsense posting from students etc. I am here only to give the information needed. So I will not be engaging in answering anymore “liar/not true/scam/ postings, as it is a waste of time and effort and gets us nowhere and only confuses those on the board that are waiting to hear.

Yup, he's a liar… I'm not the one looking like an idiot here guy. You said it would be posted on Monday, then made an excuse as to why it wasn't… “I need Chad's permission.” Before you needed Sony's permission, which if you weren't lying, that would be understandable. Needing Chad's permission is an outright lie. You don't need his permission. This is a message board. You post as you please. Now stop wasting everyone's time and get out of here, stop crying for attention you immature little kid.

by fusi0n1

19 years, 1 month ago

Hello Iceman,

I would also like to add that I never granted permission to use my logo.

If this is some scam or a non-charitable event where you're in it to just make the money (hence using the 3 for attention, but not using the 3 in the actual film?) then I don't want my logo to be anyways part of it, why? Because when people see it now, it will be (for a lack of better word) tainted.

I did talk to your ‘enthusiastic friend’ about it, as I wanted to use this logo for my own things and side-projects. I said I, or many other designers/artists on this board could come up with something, but I never did manage to get anything finalised that I was happy with (and knew you wouldn't be happy with) so never sent it through.

I am a pretty happy-go-lucky kinda guy, what's mine is every other Ghosthead's (just a little nod would be appreciated) But yeah, if this certainly is some big production, we're able to see it, and it's in it with good intentions, then I'm okay with it.