Clarification on new Ghostbuster 3 film for charity.

by Kingpin

19 years, 1 month ago

In his private message to me, he said something along the lines of:

“I need to talk to (Chad) directly as there is an outstanding issue with an NDA agreement, so I will pass my work telephone number over to (Chad) if you can help”

I have no idea what these issues are as they weren't mentioned… so really it seems nobody knows, unless Iceman and Chad have talked, and I haven't heard anything from one or the other yet on if they've talked it through.

by matthew1

19 years, 1 month ago

Listen everyone. This guy is just an attention seeker. He wants to build a feeling of curiosity around himself and what this “mystery thing” is. He enjoys reading the thread and the responses to his posts. The truth is, he's lying. Sorry Iceman. You may be a nice guy and all, but you're lying for attention. I vote we quit responding to his threads and posts.

by boholbrook1

19 years, 1 month ago

The only thing sadder than this piece of shit trying to stir up controversy around himself by saying he's creating a GB3 is the fact that you dumbasses are humoring him.

I mean JESUS CHRIST people, How many times have people done this? An INCALCUABLE number of times, seriously, ya can't even count how many times this has happened. Everytime someone comes and does these each of you strike out to disprove him and shit on him when it's really not necessary because his mannerisms and such completely prove himself wrong anyways. I mean seriously, grow up children.

For 1, If and that's a big IF Sony were to make GB3. It would make no fucking sense for them to make this a TV movie that's apparrently only going to be released on the Land of only 2 good shows, The BBC.

2 If you guys have ever seen professionals post about projects they don't usually tend to stick around to defend their claims. They tell us and then they're off to work. This guy obviously wants us to believe what he says otherwise he wouldn't be staying here and jacking around. Remember when the GB comic was first announced. We only got hints and previews once every couple of months. This guy is always here, always trying to validate his claims.

For 3, If this guy had any sort of credibility whatsoever he would have immediately posted some sort of evidence regardless of how small or vague it may have been. Sebastien pulled this off and so can anyone else.

Going on to Number 4, Anyone who has spoke to Ernie Hudson will tell you that he's very honesty that a GB3 is NEVER gonna happen without Bill Murray. So unless this secret Ghostbuster is in fact Bill Murray you've just lost again.

There's 4 major points that prove this kid wrong fellas, and don't misread me boy, you are a KID. I'm willing to bet you're not even 18 years old signing up and posting this here thinking you're gonna cause some kinda uprising of hope and discussion. Well nope son, just no. I'm gonna type this all big so you can read it and understand it thoroughly.


Oh and the rest of you, stop giving him the attention he came here to get.

by gjustis1

19 years, 1 month ago


Not to continue the ridonkulousness, but I'm on the phone w/ Sony currently…..will post info as soon as possible.

And trust that this company does not look kindly upon those that claim franchise license without due cause.

EDIT: Spoke with the director of Intl. Marketing; heard nothing of any GB license. Waiting on a call from a legal representative at Sony Pics; trust that they will not be pleased if this is, in fact, bogus. I'll be giving them Mr. Frost's name to assist in the confirmation of authenticity.

by MasterSpider

19 years, 1 month ago

Hahah oh snap. Ouch…

by Kingpin

19 years, 1 month ago

Again, one way or another, this thing'll get resolved.

by boholbrook1

19 years, 1 month ago


Not to continue the ridonkulousness, but I'm on the phone w/ Sony currently…..will post info as soon as possible.

And trust that this company does not look kindly upon those that claim franchise license without due cause.

EDIT: Spoke with the director of Intl. Marketing; heard nothing of any GB license. Waiting on a call from a legal representative at Sony Pics; trust that they will not be pleased if this is, in fact, bogus. I'll be giving them Mr. Frost's name to assist in the confirmation of authenticity.

I told you this guy was full of shit.

by 9sam11

19 years, 1 month ago

we all pretty much knew he was lieing, some people ( like me ) just want a new gb movie so bad where ready to beleive anything

by matthew1

19 years, 1 month ago


by iceman1

19 years, 1 month ago

In his private message to me, he said something along the lines of:

“I need to talk to (Chad) directly as there is an outstanding issue with an NDA agreement, so I will pass my work telephone number over to (Chad) if you can help”

I have no idea what these issues are as they weren't mentioned… so really it seems nobody knows, unless Iceman and Chad have talked, and I haven't heard anything from one or the other yet on if they've talked it through.

Hello Kingpin,

I will just inform you of where we are at this time.

I am still waiting to hear from Chad, however, I see no reason not to post the rest of the information now for your board members.

I cannot of cause name the original Ghostbusters who will be appearing as I have to clarify something over their NDA with Chad, but the following information is everything else that has been requested. If I have missed anything, (apart from the names of cause) please post here and I will do my best to answer you.

Before I do, I want to clear up a little misunderstanding everyone seems to have here. You posted on a thread that:
The guy'll be posting in the topic below this one… that's the one he started to try ‘fix’ damage caused by someone who seemed to be overexcited on his production team.
I want to make it perfectly clear that he was nothing to do with me or our company. We were commissioned to do the special effects and nothing else. I suggest if any of your members are mad at the guy in question or want to vent their anger etc, that they direct themselves to the production company, Morguefridge, not me or anyone else. Also, over the Ghostbusters 3 Logo, again, I am nothing to do with that. I did put it to the director at Morguefridge that according to one of your board members, they did not give permission to use the logo. However, anyone with an interest in the GB3 logo should email them directly, as they are under the impression that permission was given to use it.

At the end of the day, I am only doing what I was asked to do in good faith, so it is pointless calling me a liar over GB3 as I am nothing to do with the filming of it, except for the special effects.

One last point to everyone who is or has contacted Sony.

It is no good asking Sony if they have a contract with me, (as I am nothing to do with it) or if there is a contract current in the UK. The contract was bought originally by an entrepreneur developer based in Edinburgh. I am told that after the rights were purchased from Sony, that Morguefridge took over production on behalf of the backer. So if you do contact Sony please get your information correct.

Now the information I can give you before I talk to Chad.

GB3 ‘The Franchise’ production information.

Producers: Catch*22 productions, (Living TV).
Production Company: Morguefridge ltd
DVD Distribution: MagooTV Inc
TV Distribution: TBA
Cinema Distributors: Xscape & Cineworld Via regional offices
Certificate: 12
Running Time: 1h45m (Approx)
Cast Interviews: 20th to 24th February.
Where: West Yorkshire Job centres.
Crew Interviews: 13th to 17th February.
Where: National Jobcentre applications.
Pre-production meetings: 25th and 27 of February.
Where: York business centre. Time TBA.
Press conference: scheduled 8th of April.
Where: press release in York
Main Shooting: 10th May for 2 months.
Intended main locations: York & Granada Studios Manchester.
**Note only the first and last days main shooting will be open to fans.**
Film Release date: November 2006
Main Cast (Short listed):
2 members of the original GB cast
(Names as yet withheld due to NDA agreement and confirmation with Chad)
Nicole Sheldon
Leon Pashley
Billy Connolly
Mick Foley
James Nesbitt (Subject to contract change)

The above represents a full timetable for now.

It is possible that Newline Cinema may be helping in some form with DVD distribution, but I cannot confirm that as yet so please do not quote me on it.

I hope that this clears some of the issues up for you. I will not be able to liase with this board much longer, but I will post the withheld names after speaking with Chad.

Let me take this opportunity to wish all the boards members the very best with their own fan films, and if some of you can get down to the filming, I look forward to meeting you there.

