Clarification on new Ghostbuster 3 film for charity.

by texasgb1

19 years, 1 month ago


Its a bit difficult to accept what you are saying given the nature as to why GB 3 was not made. According to Dan Aykroyd, Bill Murray holds 20% of the rights and he was not willing to sell or let production take place. If Dan Aykroyd could not talk Bill Murray into allowing a big budget GB3 film made, how is it that some company I have never heard of acquired the rights to do a GB3 project which is much smaller in scale? Could you justify that for the members here?


by gjustis1

19 years, 1 month ago

EDIT: Spoke with the director of Intl. Marketing; heard nothing of any GB license.


knock knock…this thing on?

You do understand that this could be a serious legal issue, right? Seriously.

UK buddies: Call 'em: 0870 312DEAD (3323)

by 9sam11

19 years, 1 month ago

this guys full of shit

bill murray

dan aykroyd

ernie hudson

harold ramis

im not sure why you cant just ay 2 of those names? as far as i know your not gonna like.. be arrested for typing someones name

by gjustis1

19 years, 1 month ago

I'll also attempt to contact agents for both Mr. Foley and Mr. Connelly to confirm.

How's them apples?

by doctorvenkman1

19 years, 1 month ago

See you done pissed off gJustis, now you're in trouble kid.

by fusi0n1

19 years, 1 month ago

I'll also attempt to contact agents for both Mr. Foley and Mr. Connelly to confirm.

How's them apples?
I think he's wearing his Detective cap and trenchcoat too.

by boholbrook1

19 years, 1 month ago

Nicole Sheldon
Leon Pashley
Billy Connolly
Mick Foley
James Nesbitt

Dude, what the FUCK do those people have to do with Ghostbusters, ESPECIALLY Mick Foley. How does he fit into the equation?

by 9sam11

19 years, 1 month ago

i guess theyll be playing the GBs or something?

by CrossingtheStreams

19 years, 1 month ago

Bo Holbrook
Nicole Sheldon
Leon Pashley
Billy Connolly
Mick Foley
James Nesbitt

Dude, what the f*ck do those people have to do with Ghostbusters, ESPECIALLY Mick Foley. How does he fit into the equation?

…i dont think he means “MANDKIND” Mick Foley haha :-)

this guys full of shit

bill murray

dan aykroyd

ernie hudson

harold ramis

im not sure why you cant just ay 2 of those names? as far as i know your not gonna like.. be arrested for typing someones name

uhhh yea he actually could get in a lot of trouble if he said their name and they happen to not be in the film so im kind of ifffy now… (*winston)

by 9sam11

19 years, 1 month ago

Dear Valued Consumer:

Thank you for your e-mail. We appreciate your intrest. We cannot confirm that the rights to Ghostbusters or any ghostbusters product has been used with permision for a ghosbusters or ghostbusters 3 television movie.

Thank you for your continued patronage and for taking the time to contact us.


Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
Consumer Relations

“*my email address*> wrote:

It has come to my attention that some people in the UK have aquired the rights to use ghostbusters for a ”ghostbusters 3" tv movie? is this true , has anyone in the world aquired the licensing or anything to do this. What i basicly want is confirmation on if this is real or a hoax, because hes trying to get money from people to make the movie and if you didnt give ihm permision i think thats illegal isnt it?
