Clarification on new Ghostbuster 3 film for charity.

by 9sam11

19 years, 1 month ago

Crossing the Streams
Bo Holbrook
Nicole Sheldon
Leon Pashley
Billy Connolly
Mick Foley
James Nesbitt

Dude, what the f*ck do those people have to do with Ghostbusters, ESPECIALLY Mick Foley. How does he fit into the equation?

…i dont think he means “MANDKIND” Mick Foley haha :-)

this guys full of shit

bill murray

dan aykroyd

ernie hudson

harold ramis

im not sure why you cant just ay 2 of those names? as far as i know your not gonna like.. be arrested for typing someones name

uhhh yea he actually could get in a lot of trouble if he said their name and they happen to not be in the film so im kind of ifffy now… (*winston)

yeah thats what i meant if there actually in this movie hes got nothin to worry bout right?

by iceman1

19 years, 1 month ago


Its a bit difficult to accept what you are saying given the nature as to why GB 3 was not made. According to Dan Aykroyd, Bill Murray holds 20% of the rights and he was not willing to sell or let production take place. If Dan Aykroyd could not talk Bill Murray into allowing a big budget GB3 film made, how is it that some company I have never heard of acquired the rights to do a GB3 project which is much smaller in scale? Could you justify that for the members here?


I will answer you Texasgb as best as I can.

While you are right over Murray I did say this in my post above: The contract was bought originally by an entrepreneur developer based in Edinburgh. I am told that after the rights were purchased from Sony, that Morguefridge took over production on behalf of the backer.

The contract that was bought was in some respects a glorified fan-film licence, however, it had much more to it and so became a commercial licence between the buyer an Sony.

I did also say that : To start with, you are correct that this film is not an “official” Ghostbusters III movie.

Which is why the actors are NOT the same. (I hope Bo Holbrook can understand that.)

Anyway, the bottom line is this:

Regardless what some people here think, the filming will commence on the dates provided. I have invited Kingpin down to the shoot so that he can do a special report for this forum on it, and ultimately, I am not really bothered with all this nonsense that some members are posting.
Everything is verifiable….provided they ask the right questions and give the correct information…Which I still see some are not doing. All the information and most of the answers to their questions are in my posts, if they bother to read them, and all their “smart” mouthing on this board, and their grandstanding and flaming of the film or me will only serve to make them look foolish.
(How many times do I have to say that I am NOTHING to do with the production company, I was contracted for special effects.?) :p

I will be posting the named GB players when I have talked to Chad, and ONLY after that. If people here do not like that, its their problem.



by gjustis1

19 years, 1 month ago

I'm a cordial guy…..rarely do I EVER say things like this:

You're a real ass-hat, you know that? Even Sony says so. And that, my friend, is a stretch.

All I see on the “Morugewhatever” website is a GB parody announcement… much a fan film as any other EVER posted on this board.

Don't come here w/ your condescending f*cking attitude….you're talking to guys w/ connections to the GB franchise that your 18-yr old ass can't even imagine.

Here's a rule of thumb: you post on deviantart, you're a fan. PERIOD. I see the “stars” of this project are part of a UK ghost-hunting crew. Sweet. The production company is as much a fan-based company as Braxtanfilm……and at least they're goddamn pleasant. They don't go around saying they're the real-deal, ever. Know why? BECAUSE THEY MAKE FAN FILMS.


We ARE asking the right questions, Sally. When Sony says there's no flipping license, there's no flipping license. It's simple, straightforward, and to-the-point.

Hey! Guess what?!? You're making a fan film.

End of story.

by Para-psychology_doc

19 years, 1 month ago

Finally! Jezum Crow hallelujah!

This guy has been annoying me and I'm glad someone has finally summed it up for him. I myself am 18 years old and am also making a fanfilms, but I dont claim to have any connection with the GB franchise at all! This dude is doing nothing except making it harder for decent fans to make our films and such. Thats all I gotta say.

I'm out

by boholbrook1

19 years, 1 month ago

I love how this guy maintains he's right even after he's thoroughly been proved wrong. That's ballsy.

by matthew1

19 years, 1 month ago

Iceman Iceman Iceman…Whatever shall we do with you.

Sony have NOT made any agreement with ANYONE to use the Ghostbusters licence for any tv program, fan film or official film. If Dan Aykroyd can't make it happen, it is beyond me how you think you can come here and try and convince anyone that some UK production company has. This is direct proof that you are in fact lying.

Just stop now Iceman. Give it up. Let it go right now and we'll all pretend like this never happened. You can go home and everything will be alright, I promise. But if you carry on with this, things are gonna get worse for you. Just put the thread down and let it go, ok?

by gjustis1

19 years, 1 month ago

Already got an message back from Mr. Connolly's agent…..absolutely untrue.

by doctorvenkman1

19 years, 1 month ago

Now wait, now he's going to claim its a different Billy Connolly. This guy is such a tool.

by liquidvishn1

19 years, 1 month ago

What is the name of the charity this is for?

by Para-psychology_doc

19 years, 1 month ago

Iceman Iceman Iceman…Whatever shall we do with you.

Sony have NOT made any agreement with ANYONE to use the Ghostbusters licence for any tv program, fan film or official film. If Dan Aykroyd can't make it happen, it is beyond me how you think you can come here and try and convince anyone that some UK production company has. This is direct proof that you are in fact lying.

Just stop now Iceman. Give it up. Let it go right now and we'll all pretend like this never happened. You can go home and everything will be alright, I promise. But if you carry on with this, things are gonna get worse for you. Just put the thread down and let it go, ok?

lol, its like a hostage negotiation, maybe the snipers will take him out first though…