
by matthew1

16 years, 2 months ago

Anyone ever heard of Claytronics?

I stumbled upon this Youtube video.

Basically how it works is hundreds of thousands of atom-like balls which can each individually receive information in order to move and change colour. By moving and changing colour , real life 3d objects can be created.

Will this ever catch on? They look extremely expensive to produce!

Could this be the future of home cinema or gamiing?

by rockstar232007

16 years, 2 months ago

Anyone ever heard of Claytronics?

I stumbled upon this Youtube video.

Basically how it works is hundreds of thousands of atom-like balls which can each individually receive information in order to move and change colour. By moving and changing colour , real life 3d objects can be created.

Will this ever catch on? They look extremely expensive to produce!

Could this be the future of home cinema or gamiing?
this is fake!. totally CG.(*peter)

by matthew1

16 years, 2 months ago

The video is fake yes but it's not pretending to be real It's a video showing the idea of the technology they are working on but they are really working on it and apparently it's possible.

by rockstar232007

16 years, 2 months ago

The video is fake yes but it's not pretending to be real It's a video showing the idea of the technology they are working on but they are really working on it and apparently it's possible.
This may be possible in the future…about a hundred more years in the future! Nanotechnology, which is possible, and is also in the same category, has been studied since the 40s, and scientists are still trying to figure it out, and probably will be for the next 50 years! Just look at every sci-fi movie from the 50s to today. For as “advanced” as technology is today, we're still pretty far behind, so I wouldn't get too excited about this…but it does look like it would be really cool!(*peter)

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 2 months ago

I still want flying cars…

The Claytronics segment was from a Discovery Channel Show showing off technologies that are currently being researched and theories that are out there….