by rareodities

21 years, 3 months ago

Apparently I am being Accused of being a scam artist? I am a small buisness owner on the east coast with numerous satisfied customers. I run a buisness with an actual store. Yes a real store where you can walk into and purchess items. Like i stated before I have NUMEROUS satisfied customers.

by DocFritz

21 years, 3 months ago

You also have the same IP number as protonpower, who has tried to scam members of this board. It is indeed possible that you are a different person, and your claims are legitimate. However, Master Spider also had reason for locking your thread under the stated circumstance.

The whole matter is being brought to the attention of the site administrators. Pending their decision, the thread Master Spider locked will remain so. And this one was well.

Please do not start any more threads to complain about the matter, because doing so does not help your case.