by thekeymaster2

21 years, 6 months ago

alright i know it would be beautifull to have a GB 3 and it doesnt sound to bad but let me explain something to you i grew up with the ghostbusters you name the merchandise and i have it from bed sheets to toys i would go to universal studios and pay just to go on that ride and only that ride like 100 times but GB 3 was on ivan reitmans mind it was and ther even is a script plot and all that on about it i cant give you exacts but just how it would have worked if you recall in GB2 louis tully played by rick moranis had suited up with egons spare jumpsuit to help the others out after our heroes destroyed vigo some thought tully had actually skewered the ecto slime around the manhatann muesum of art ….this was going to play a key part as is tully was going to be the fifth ghostbuster if you also recall another hint that a part three was in the works was the ecto-1a on its roof had a electronic letter display saying that the GB where “hiring”slimer as well would be part of the team now the bad guy was to be hades some greek god of death and destruction and the GB would also have new gadgets and what not but like i said ivan did this idealisticly speaking also lenny was going to be governor of ny and the state was the target of attack instead of the city itself that been said it is very possible for this to happen a ghostbusters 3 but let me explain something to you it will not have the same great taste as the originals it will be ome run off crap like T3 which brings me to the explanation of as to why ivan did not continue GB 3 dan & harold were up to it how ever other movies which were getting more look where really hurting the idea such as the thought of george lucas makeing a film after return of the jedi and the terminator had given GB a run for there money all in all it was just put away but i guarantee you that if they made terminator 3 GB 3 is not far off and it will make a great impact probably as big as when star wars episode 1 came out or even bigger please feel free to contact me or leave a reply and do not give up on this idea and by the way petitions and idea suggestions do work if and industry see the demand for this trust me it will happen (^_^) :-)

by d_osborn

21 years, 6 months ago

the longest sentence EVER…

by GmoneyOwnsAll

21 years, 6 months ago

the longest sentence EVER…

My thoughts exactly.

by Kingpin

21 years, 6 months ago

So…electronic scroll boards hinted at a GB3? Well, i'd like to see your evidence on that part.

And please use proper gammer and such, without full stops an opinion can turn into a big, sludge of words.

by d_osborn

21 years, 6 months ago

i think he was talking about the FOR HIRE message on the sign boards. he probably was mistaken, meaning the GBs were “hiring” new employees.

by Kingpin

21 years, 6 months ago

I thought about that angle as well after i'd logged off that night, but Lenny's becoming Governor, Louis becoming a GB for one night and the screenboards don't proove that GB3 was ever intended at that point in time.

by d_osborn

21 years, 6 months ago

my thoughts exactly

by drvenkman3

21 years, 5 months ago

Here are the flaws of this message:

1. PERIODS MAN PERIODS!!!! I about went into cardiac arrest trying to read this error soaked message all in one breath!!!

2. Lucas didnt ruin Star Wars with “Return of the Jedi”, he gave it life where ESB (Empire Strikes Back) almost made it a flop, if you dont believe me, check the earnings it made compared to ROFJ.

3. terminator 3 was only made because Schwarzenneger got bored and he has enough money to make it happen, the only person that has enough money to make GB3 happen is none other than:

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<THIS MAN

And he said he doesnt want to be apart of it.

4. PERIODS!!!!!!

5. And your so called findings on the Ecto one and Tully and everything wasnt a message for the future, but an tribute to the past, the old 1980s comic had a season of comics where the were “attempting to” get another member, this idea never was seriously going to be put into a future thrid script.

By the words of 7 of 9: Your theory is flawed on many levels