Cloverfield, formely 1-18-08 - TV Spots

by venky1

17 years, 8 months ago

ok so those of you that saw transformers saw the trailer for this movie with no name and were no doubt… confused in some ways. this is a jj abrams project that has had a lot of buzz in the past few days and i wanted to see if anyone has any different points of view about it.
here are the related sites.
the trailer-
the intensely cryptic movie homepage-
and something that is widely agreed upon as being tied in but has not been confirmed
code names for the movie
i have many of my own assumptions about this movie and what it could be but id like everyone else to discuss as well

by venky1

17 years, 8 months ago

the parasite movie site, though very high quality, is a fake

by lordvego1

17 years, 8 months ago


no joke

by Kingpin

17 years, 8 months ago

the parasite movie site, though very high quality, is a fake

High quality? Are we seeing the same page with those cheesy ‘red light’ eyes and that photoshop picture of Manhattan?

I viewed their forum and I'm not convinced that is an official part of the campaign.

by venky1

17 years, 8 months ago

unfortunately many people didn't feel the same way about that site, they all thought it was tied in.
as for the high quality thing, that was just my description, but then im not the most versed in internet sites so it was probably not the best adjective to use.

anyway, a cool thing someone found in the party picture is that if you turn it upside down a series of numbers appears. from left to right, the order is 6551773. using the letter equivilents of these numbers and finding an anagram that makes sense gives the words face egg.
this makes sense to me as it looks like the guy who is “drinking” is being held back and the glass seems very suspicious looking, along with the fact that cups like that arent visible in the trailer.

by venky1

17 years, 8 months ago

by Kingpin

17 years, 8 months ago

unfortunately many people didn't feel the same way about that site, they all thought it was tied in.
as for the high quality thing, that was just my description, but then im not the most versed in internet sites so it was probably not the best adjective to use.

With that aweful ‘TheP aras ite’ (sic) logo and those rather cheesy ‘red light bulb eyes’ you'd think more people would sus it out as fake…

Ironically at the moment it's the only thing that links the two campaigns as it's been suggested that Ethan Haas is actually unrelated, belonging to an RPG called “AlphaOmega”.

anyway, a cool thing someone found in the party picture is that if you turn it upside down a series of numbers appears. from left to right, the order is 6551773.

I've been a bit dubious about that one… but mostly because I think people have been reading too much into that banner.

this makes sense to me as it looks like the guy who is “drinking” is being held back and the glass seems very suspicious looking, along with the fact that cups like that arent visible in the trailer.

I don't think there's anything suspicious there, it's not something you wouldn't see happening outside of a frat party and I got the feeling if the trailer is actual footage from near the start of the movie I think it's been edited down to fit the trailer… so the scenes we've seen may end up being longer and more drawn out come January 2008.

by secrecyguy

17 years, 8 months ago

ok so those of you that saw transformers saw the trailer for this movie with no name and were no doubt… confused in some ways. this is a jj abrams project that has had a lot of buzz in the past few days and i wanted to see if anyone has any different points of view about it.
here are the related sites.
the trailer-
the intensely cryptic movie homepage-
and something that is widely agreed upon as being tied in but has not been confirmed
code names for the movie
i have many of my own assumptions about this movie and what it could be but id like everyone else to discuss as well

I highly doubt it is Slusho. I don't know why people says that.

I don't know where Cloverfield came from. I thought someone saw the name Cloverfield on the trailer but I see no such word. Did I miss it?

by secrecyguy

17 years, 8 months ago

the parasite movie site, though very high quality, is a fake

High quality? Are we seeing the same page with those cheesy ‘red light’ eyes and that photoshop picture of Manhattan?

I viewed their forum and I'm not convinced that is an official part of the campaign.

Actually thought it was well done. I have a feeling it was a fake when there's a link to a forum. I think he made it to bring more traffic to his forum.