Cloverfield, formely 1-18-08 - TV Spots

by newrecruit1

17 years, 1 month ago

What I know is it was needless sensationalism in the run up to the movie, a bored news network with nothing worthwhile to report pointing the camera at someone who shouldn't have been given air time.

(*winston) I will keep my point of view (*janine)

by Kingpin

17 years, 1 month ago

It's not really your own point of view when I believe both Fox and MSNBC ran with it the week running up to the American release…

But the thing is, Fox was being hypocritical by accusing the film of exploitation, seeing as they dragged on someone who lost a loved one on 9/11.

This isn't a anti-Fox specific rant, I just hate it when people come out and constantly cry about comparisons… and almost the suggestion that disaster films in New York can no longer be made for fear of referencing September 11th.

I'll end my rant now.

by newrecruit1

17 years, 1 month ago

Oh, you know, I don't realy care about Fox. All the News everywhere on earth made their own blockbuster. Ok, I can understand, we need to know when such thing happens. But when they create a documentary and/or scenes around a drama, to make it more spectacular or “falsly intellectual”, it leave a weird taste in my mouth. Like when a reporter ask someone if it was hard to learn that one person of his family died…

But while I'm writing this, like when I was writing “I don't understand Hollywood”, I know that it is close to hypocrisy; there's so many “virtual drama” already, since I don't know when, a reflection of what some people may have experienced, that I wonder why I'm shouting against it. It's not close to change; some action movies are even fun…

About NewYork, I didn't think about the city, it was only that window scene. Like the bottle scene in “Pan's labyrinth”. Or the torture. Or the killing… Oh well, I guess that tv makes us sick with time; I'm saying right now that one violence is good, while another one is bad. I can't believe it.

And damn I like Ghostbusters, Logan's run, Blade Runner, Krull, Willow… :p :-)


by robbritton

17 years, 1 month ago

hahaha! ah man - my references were all on the money then! *facepalm*

i reckon the stay puft bit is a nod, either way - the framing of the brief pan around would just be too coincidental given the current obsession with homage.

Anyway, i think the 9/11 stuff is simply that the audience has now seen absolutely what happens when big buildings are destroyed with people still inside and around them. I don't see how any film post 2001 which features the destruction of buildings in a populated city could ignore that fact. which is not to say that Kingpin is wrong in saying it is overplayed by the media there, as a real life event should not end a genre for fear of upsetting folk and likewise the news channels are absolutely implicit in the exploitation of said person and memories by drawing the direct correlation in front of a nation of millions on air.

but yeah. Man, i could have sworn that was where Godzilla was hanging out… bah - at least the Aliens stuff i didn't mention holds out!

by newrecruit1

17 years, 1 month ago

sigh… And I guess I was only talking about camera angles on my side. I mean, this window scene wouldn't have been filmed like that, I think I would have never saw it… or maybe, oh and to hell that thing!

by robbritton

17 years, 1 month ago

Yes, but cultural signifiers aren't automatically disrespectful.

Which is not to say that I think your reaction is or was incorrect - it is quite reasonable to be made uncomfortable by the invocation of terrible things.

A media hysteria attempting to be whipped up around that is what i'm suspicious of, as in doing that it becomes the very thing it is supposedly outraged by.

Y'know, it must be doing something right to be sparking debate of this sort - Do you imagine this happening with Penelope?!

by newrecruit1

17 years, 1 month ago

Why, because a person jumps through a window?

I didn't compared that to 9/11, probably because I didn't saw any scenes from that view angle. Yep, it's dumb. That's why I said what I said above. At least I'm still able to watch some movies :p

by Kingpin

17 years, 1 month ago

Wait… when did this start talking about people jumping out of windows? I thought you meant the dust moving past the windows?

If it's the former, then you're mistaken… nobody jumped out of any windows in any of the damaged skyscrapers.

by newrecruit1

17 years, 1 month ago

Do you imagine this happening with Penelope?!

There's one scene where a guy jump through a window in that movie, I thought he wanted to say that the same 9/11 exagerated speech could apply too because of that.

by robbritton

17 years, 1 month ago

heh! when you're right, you're right!

but… i thought you were initially saying that a certain angle on the dust cloud was a disrespectful parody of the 9/11 dust cloud? that's what i've been offering the case against…

i'm well lost now!