Cloverfield, formely 1-18-08 - TV Spots

by secrecyguy

17 years, 8 months ago

unfortunately many people didn't feel the same way about that site, they all thought it was tied in.
as for the high quality thing, that was just my description, but then im not the most versed in internet sites so it was probably not the best adjective to use.

anyway, a cool thing someone found in the party picture is that if you turn it upside down a series of numbers appears. from left to right, the order is 6551773. using the letter equivilents of these numbers and finding an anagram that makes sense gives the words face egg.
this makes sense to me as it looks like the guy who is “drinking” is being held back and the glass seems very suspicious looking, along with the fact that cups like that arent visible in the trailer.

Possible but I don't think so.

by Kingpin

17 years, 8 months ago

the parasite movie site, though very high quality, is a fake

High quality? Are we seeing the same page with those cheesy ‘red light’ eyes and that photoshop picture of Manhattan?

I viewed their forum and I'm not convinced that is an official part of the campaign.

Actually thought it was well done. I have a feeling it was a fake when there's a link to a forum. I think he made it to bring more traffic to his forum.

That's the going theory for ‘’.

Cloverfield is apparently the movie title it went into theatres with, so like Blue Harvest it won't likely appear anywhere in the final film. I also doubt the title will be “Slusho”… because frankly it'd sound kinda stupid as a movie title.

by sandmanfvr

17 years, 8 months ago

I don't think I saw that trailer before Transformers. huh

by venky1

17 years, 8 months ago

cloverfield was listed on imdb as one of the production names. and the slusho site was put up about a month ago suggesting that it ties in. but even moreso with the slusho site slusho was a drink featured in the second episode of abrams' alias series. also someone in the trailer is wearing a slusho shirt. there also seem to be links between the cups on the slusho site.
1- one large cup on the front page (kinda weak)
18- eighteen cups on the front page altogether
08- eight full cups throughout the site

and as for ethan haas, kingpin, i was a little confused by your wording so im not sure if you know that abrams confirmed it to be unrelated

by Kingpin

17 years, 8 months ago

Oh, it most definately ties in. The guy who suggests they go to the roof has a Slusho T-Shirt… but I'm really doubtful it'll be the film's name.

I'm aware that Abrams reportedly emailed Ain't it Cool News saying they were unrelated.

1) I'm pretty much ignoring anything that comes out of AICN, they have a history with not checking things they announce.
2) Misdirection isn't something I'd expect Abrams not to use… he apparently used it during “The Lost Experience” between the second and third season and wouldn't put it past him here if Ethan Haas is related to 1-18-08.

However, there's a reasonable theory that 1-18-08 isn't related to Ethan Haas, and that the Ethan Haas mystery is related to a Role Playing Game.

by 9sam11

17 years, 8 months ago

looks kool

Funny ive seen a few people suggest that its a new ghostbusters film

by Kingpin

17 years, 8 months ago

looks kool

Funny ive seen a few people suggest that its a new ghostbusters film

I've seen more then one IMDb topic float that idea. It's nothing short of hilarious.

by venky1

17 years, 7 months ago

wow i would love that. unfortunately i believe this movie is a paramount movie, and like godzilla paramount doesn't own the rights to gbs. and kingpin, you're right about abrams possibly misleading us as part of this game. but ive heard the same that it is related to a completely different game coming out. the only connection between the two is paramount pulling the videos for both the abrams project and ethan haas off of youtube

by gbandrew1

17 years, 7 months ago

I for some reason wanted to yell out, “GODZILLA!” When I saw the trailer. O.o

by 9sam11

17 years, 7 months ago

lol check out this site…