Cloverfield, formely 1-18-08 - TV Spots

by venky1

17 years, 7 months ago

oh god i wish it were real hahah. btw, has a new pic. and it is the least descriptive of them all

by 9sam11

17 years, 7 months ago

oh god i wish it were real hahah. btw, has a new pic. and it is the least descriptive of them all

very old news

by venky1

17 years, 7 months ago

yea, wasn't sure who knew on here though. think there's something we're supposed to be seeing in them?

by 9sam11

17 years, 7 months ago

yea, wasn't sure who knew on here though. think there's something we're supposed to be seeing in them?

If you brighten the picture you can see it more clearly.

by venky1

17 years, 7 months ago

do you know what the thing is next to the pourer's right thumb in the party picture?

by 9sam11

17 years, 7 months ago

do you know what the thing is next to the pourer's right thumb in the party picture?

A tie?

The more interesting question is who is that demon looking black women at the far right lol.

by venky1

17 years, 7 months ago

a tie that small? never seen one. as for that girl she looks like shes been very poorly photoshopped in there. i can't figure out why that guy's head is so big next to her

by Kingpin

17 years, 7 months ago

So a lot of people have gotten talking over this most recent discovery:

It was apparently found by an Unfiction forum member at the Frank & Son's Collectible Show in The City of Industry in California.

Please note, despite a lot of places claiming that ‘Monstrous’ is the title, a theory I'm more willing to believe in is that ‘Monstrous’ is just a slogan.

Additionally, be careful if you see this image:

A IMDb user is claiming that ‘Apocalypse’ is the ‘final’ design and that he's worked on part of the graphics team, however the general consensus' is that the ‘Apocalypse’ poster is fake photoshop copy of the ‘Monstrous’ design. The same user has also posted a blurry, framed picture of the same design but it hasn't convinced many IMDbers…

by fome

17 years, 7 months ago

by Kingpin

17 years, 7 months ago

So the guys went back to Frank & Sons…

And oh boy, did they get freaking Batshit nuts results (Click link to take you to much larger image, duh):

And here's a super-resolution version, if the previous one weren't enough:

Compliments go to luwho1234 at Unfiction for posting the pics.

So… awesomeness or what?