Cloverfield, formely 1-18-08 - TV Spots

by secrecyguy

17 years, 6 months ago

not funny.

It wasn't meant to be funny.

I just found out that wasn't it.

Looks like a cool movie though… I might check it out…

by pantshater24

17 years, 6 months ago

im sorry i didn't mean for it to come off as sounding mean.had a really bad day and my minds been wandering then i saw that post and i forgot to add the tongue-and cheek icon after it. so ill add it now :p

by secrecyguy

17 years, 6 months ago

im sorry i didn't mean for it to come off as sounding mean.had a really bad day and my minds been wandering then i saw that post and i forgot to add the tongue-and cheek icon after it. so ill add it now :p

ok… no problem..

by Kingpin

17 years, 3 months ago

It's November 19th, and the new, full trailer is online:

Cloverfield - Full Trailer

by Kingpin

17 years, 3 months ago

Dennis, the webmaster of Cloverfield Clues made a recent discovery, a competition to win an esclusive sneak preview screening of Cloverfield for you and your friends in your hometown, if you ranked the highest on a leaderboard from people grabbing a Cloverfield Widget.

Since he posted it, he's gotten a email from Paramount asking to take it down until the competition's ready, but by now a copy has been uploaded to YouTube.

It's really early on in the film, and if you've seen the trailers than this sequence mostly expands on the very early events prior and following the landing of the Statue of Liberty's decapitated head. However bear in mind there are some very slight spoilers, so do not view if you want to see it all for the first time at the cinema:

YouTube - Cloverfield - 5 minute Exclusive

by Kingpin

17 years, 2 months ago

More preview clips emerge from a special during last night's New Years Rockin' Eve:

Cloverfield New Year's Rockin Eve Preview

by Kingpin

17 years, 2 months ago

I'm surprised I hadn't actually posted these… guess I figured at the time I'd post them all when I thought there'd only be one or two videos and the thing was finished…

The following seven videos are recorded by a woman named Jamie Lascano who is one of the ‘Slusho Seven’, the collection of characters of the movie who have been given MySpace entries.

The videos were intended as a way for her to communicate with her boyfriend Teddy, who is presently away from New York fighting for a as-yet unnamed cause which is believed to be something called “T.I.D.O. Wave, a protest group set up to campaign against ”Tagruato“, the Japanese production company that produces Slusho, a drink that's linked to the film.

Yeah, I know it's pretty convoluted… that may also be why I didn't post it before.

Anyway, the seven videos chronologue the time passage from October when the first of the videos was uploaded to ”" (password= jllovesth ) up til today with the recent one… that I happened to find.

Jamie & Teddy - Video #1
Jamie & Teddy - Video #2
Jamie & Teddy - Video #3
Jamie & Teddy - Video #4
Jamie & Teddy - Video #5
Jamie & Teddy - Video #6
Jamie & Teddy - Video #7

I know some of you may still be a bit swamped with that, so if there's something about this you'd like to know I'll try answer as best I can.

by Kingpin

17 years, 2 months ago

Updates abound!

Two more vidoes from Ms. Lascano since the last major update:

Jamie & Teddy - Video #8
Jamie & Teddy - Video #9

Eight more TVSpots have cropped up including a couple of odd ones from MTV:

Youtube: Cloverfield Spot #8: “Experience the Event”
Youtube: Cloverfield Spot #9: “Tunnel Rats”
Youtube: Cloverfield Spot #10: “Some Thing has Found Us”
Youtube: Cloverfield Spot #11: “Discover the Secret”
Youtube: Cloverfield Spot #12: “Who would you Save?”
Youtube: Cloverfield Spot #13: “Cobra Mix”
Youtube: Cloverfield Spot #14: “Breath”
Youtube: Cloverfield Spot #15: “Extreme”

In an interesting move to make the events of the film seem more realistic, mock news footage from several countries documents the destruction of one of Tagruato's drilling facilities on the North Atlantic ridge, something that the Anti-Tagruato protest group had planned to visit and now appear to being accused of destroying.

Batch One (discovered in the following order)

German Chuai Station Report
Italian Chuai Station Report
Spanish Chuai Station Report

Batch Two

French Chuai Station Report
Russian Chuai Station Report
Japanese Chuai Station Report

Batch Three

American Chuai Station Report
Korean Chuai Station Report - 1
Korean Chuai Station Report - 2
Korean Chuai Station Report - 3

Translations can be found at Cloverfield Clues and the Unfiction forum dedicated to the movie.

A new photograph, showing a shot of the Chuai drilling station being destroyed has appeared on the film tie-in site,

A video starring Odette Yustman who plays Beth in the movie has been released, announcing an official party themed as a going away party for the fictional character Rob will be held in New York on January 17th and invitations are being opened to people on MySpace. If you want a chance to win a place simply RSVP the invitation to with your full name and phone number. Full details about the party can be found in the post at Cloverfield Clues

by Kingpin

17 years, 2 months ago

Another new TV spot:

Youtube: Cloverfield Spot #16: “Impossible”

The cameo appearances of Slusho! in Heroes carries a bitter tale for the guy who runs CC, he had short clips whenever they appeared on the show up on his old YouTube account and NBC got it permanently disabled. Because they're killjoy scumnicks.

Paramount's kicked out another nice bit of promotion material for pimping out on their film lot:

Headless Lady Liberty Being Pimped Out On Melrose
Cloverfield Beheaded Statue of Liberty Spotted on Paramount Lot