Cloverfield, formely 1-18-08 - TV Spots

by fome

17 years, 2 months ago

I don't get why such a hype about this movie… maybe in the end it will only be special effects and a stupid script… we'll see on the release date…

by Kingpin

17 years, 2 months ago

Well, the hype started back when Transformers came out… after the teaser trailer for Cloverfield was released before that movie people wanted to know what the mysterious untitled movie was.

The fact J.J. Abrams was attached probably helped keep the hype buzzing because lots of people like his work… there's also the fact it's a big monster movie, the last of which was Godzilla in 1998 and that it's not meant to be an existing monster, but something big and brand new that America can call it's own.

The other reason the hype has continued, is because the people behind the film have kept the fans, or interested public involved through viewing the Jamie & Teddy videos, the fake news footage and discovering the next part of the viral campaign.

I doubt it'll just be a CGI-fest with a rubbish script, a lot of work has gone into it and it'd be disappointing to choose such a story-heavy angle… having the action follow five friends through the whole ordeal, only to have it fall flat with a bad script.

by fome

17 years, 2 months ago

we won't know until the release date I just hope we won't be disappointed

by newrecruit1

17 years, 2 months ago

The other reason the hype has continued, is because the people behind the film have kept the fans, or interested public involved

Oh, so it's like the concept of “Snakes on a plane”; the fans were involved in the script since the beginning. In “Cloverfield”, they feed them with publicity about the movie?

With all the trouble I've heard that the movie industry have to make a blockbuster movie, I hope they won't use that option too much to turn it into a fashion way.

there's also the fact it's a big monster movie (…) something big and brand new that America can call it's own.

Mr. StayPuft!!! (*_*)

by sinister1

17 years, 2 months ago

To be fair, if I'm right in thinking, this is by the guy who did Lost, and he kept fans interested by releasing a LOT of “canon” material over the internet in obscure fashions just to generate interest, and it was extremely succesful with that.

by newrecruit1

17 years, 2 months ago

this is by the guy who did Lost

Great, I love that serie!

he kept fans interested by releasing a LOT of “canon” material over the internet in obscure fashions just to generate interest, and it was extremely succesful with that.

Ahh, marketing. Sometimes they use previews of the new blockbuster movie… sometimes they use psychology to make it look like it'll be one. But the main goal is to make money.

I have faith in the guy who did “Lost”, but if the movie doesn't deserve such “mindgame-publicity-campain”, it will disgust people even more. “Snakes on a plane” was only a sucessful movie for the industry, to my personal opinion. Compared to “Back to the futur” or “Ghostbusters”, it will never be a true blockbuster movie. The idea to use a weird publicity campain is a tool which should be used with cautious.

We're in a era where “previews” are better than the actual movies! What the movie industry wait to start a new wave of movies based in short clips? It'll be probably better this way because we seems to have more difficulty to represent true emotions on the big screen or to find actor/actress with a face which contains those traits. All movies seem to fall in a “deja-vu” these days, and lots of them are remake! I think a new wave of movies could be interesting; well for some type of movies.

by Kingpin

17 years, 2 months ago

The other reason the hype has continued, is because the people behind the film have kept the fans, or interested public involved

Oh, so it's like the concept of “Snakes on a plane”; the fans were involved in the script since the beginning. In “Cloverfield”, they feed them with publicity about the movie?

Not in the case of helping to develop the script… not as far as I'm aware, anyway… but there's been sites that people have discovered that were tied into the game, and multimedia on thos which helped expand the mystery.

Iain, yeah. Creator of Lost and Alias and director of Mission: Impossible 3.

by imported_Ghoulishfright

17 years, 1 month ago

I heard rumours a long time ago that this movie might be about Cthulhu. I think that'd be pretty cool… (*ray)

I gotta say though, all the hype and mystery and guessing, etc. surrounding this Cloverfield movie has made me totally less interested than I might otherwise have been. I much prefer it when a great movie comes seemingly out of nowhere. No preconceptions. You can just view the film for what it truly is. That is the best…..

by Kingpin

17 years, 1 month ago

That was one of my hopes early on, but given the way it's going I don't think that's all that likely any more.

Sorry to hear you've become disinterested.

The latest offerings from the Cloverfield hype machine:

Latest TV Spots
YouTube: Cloverfield Spot #17: “See It”
YouTube: Cloverfield Spot #18: “Arrived”

Jamie & Teddy - The Latest
Jamie & Teddy - Video #9
Jamie & Teddy - Video #10

And Local Channel 6 in Florida ways in with their own parody/tie in:

Local 6 Cloverfield Movie Trailer Monstrous

And updates with a new photograph which as of the moment, I haven't a clue where it's meant to be set:

by Nix

17 years, 1 month ago


It looks like that photograph of yours takes place on a destroyed battleship or something. Not just the “you-sunk-my-battleship” type of destruction either; this battleship was really horribly mangled by something. Frankly, I'd rather not think about whether or not there were people on board… (*_*)