Cloverfield, formely 1-18-08 - TV Spots

by fome

17 years, 1 month ago

the biggest spoiler everybody already knows is…

Godzilla ripoff à la Blair Witch

by newrecruit1

17 years, 1 month ago

I make a strong request that people not post any spoilers about the film in this topic.

- Ok you've heard the man, post your spoilers in another topic like “ Crew Room”. Mooove it, mooove it (*peter)

by Nix

17 years, 1 month ago

Mooove it, mooove it (*peter)

Hey, don't have a cow, man. (^_^)

by newrecruit1

17 years, 1 month ago

I don't think captain Harris would like to hear that :p


I have watched some spoilers in youtube (a good thing considering my taste) and I've decided to not go see that movie.

Watch this interview (I don't know if it was posted before, no spoiler, don't worry, and it's far from what made my decision)

America's answer to Godzilla {to Japan}? Isn't it the best way to lose the public's interest already? It sound almost like “weee can-do like youuu-ou”. The director of Cloverfield said that the whole genesis of the movie came from the vision of Godzilla toys in a toy store, that we should also have our own monster… It sound clumsy a bit, it's like if the movie was made to sale plastic. But I know it's about having our own mascot.

The sad thing is: a movie about a giant monster won't be able to reach Godzilla's popularity. We have seen a lot on the screen already. Godzilla was made in a time where no one had seen such a thing. Compared to it, Cloverfield will only be remembered during a year. I'm not saying Cloverfield will be a bad movie, I only think it was a mistake to copy a legend.

And we all know it: America have already their own giant and it was made by Dan Aykroyd. With all the supernatural activity this guy can hide, who knows if “Mr.StayPuft vs Godzilla” couldn't turn into an epic battle! Well, if the ghostbusters do not destroy the source of its power.

If you think he will melt, remember that he is “the destructor (of the world)” There's probably a lot we ignore about him. Nuclear bombs may not even affect this sailor! And, Godzilla, can he destroy the paranormal activity which create the portal which give StayPuft its power?… I don't think so. (*peter)

by Kingpin

17 years, 1 month ago

They weren't trying to copy Godzilla's popularity, it was about having something that could be associated with America, and that the USA could call it's own like Japan has Godzilla and is able to call that it's own big monster.

Stay Puft would so totally melt in a nuclear bomb, it (him melting) was going to happen in the film in one version of the script.

by newrecruit1

17 years, 1 month ago

I know it's about having our own mascot.

They weren't trying to copy Godzilla's popularity,

I watched the ending of the video again and again… I still don't know what to believe…

it was about having something that could be associated with America, and that the USA could call it's own like Japan has Godzilla and is able to call that it's own big monster.

Well the movie industry didn't had to pay millions of $ for that…
we already have Bush, Mr StayPuft and a 50 foot woman (*ray) :-O :-) (^_^)

Stay Puft would so totally melt in a nuclear bomb, it (him melting) was going to happen in the film in one version of the script.

:-O I was going to say “now things start to become interesting” but that's scary to hear :-O

Ok, let's calm down a little bit. I can work with the fact that one or more nuclear bombs may melt the giant… but I still believe that it won't affect the sailor. Gozer came in our world which contain lots of powerful deadly technology. In spite of that, she dares to leave the choice (the form of the destructor) to the mortals. I realy doubt she was blind. It's probably because it doesn't matter; when the choice is made, nothing will be able to stop the events that will follow. For one reason: the form of the destructor takes into consideration what its world is made. The giant might melt (or explode) but all the paranormal activity will always bring him back. The only way is to close the portal, what gives him his power.

If what I say is the truth, I wonder if the ghostbusters know how much they were lucky…

by pantshater24

17 years, 1 month ago

ok so i just got back from watching the movie and i must say i really enjoyed it. alot of my friends did not because of the “shaky cam”, though i thought it did the big monster movie in a very unique and exciting way. though i did feel the monster did look a little too much like a certain PS3 game that came out with the system…

by Mjollnir

17 years, 1 month ago

Found this on DeviantArt through a guy I watch.

Theres an online manga being released in Japan entitled “Cloverfield: Kishen” that is a prequel to the Cloverfield movie that came out last Friday. The story revolves around a young Japanese boy named Kishen who somehow has a mysterious connection to the beast that laid waste to New York City.

For more information, go here to this link!

Sincerely, *turin-the-forsaken
I've “read” it. It's interesting.

by Kingpin

17 years, 1 month ago

Saw it today. I usually have to sleep on a movie to get my full feeling of it, but so far my ‘early’ reaction is that I loved it.

by newrecruit1

17 years, 1 month ago

It would be nice if they release the movie on dvd with a “non edited” version in bonus. I mean, a non shaking video. It was filmed normaly and then edited on computer as I've heard, despite what they say.