Cloverfield, formely 1-18-08 - TV Spots

by Kingpin

17 years, 1 month ago

Where'd you hear that?

Regardless though, it'd lose some of the realism to it.

by newrecruit1

17 years, 1 month ago

*I'm happy to find it again.

Hope you can understand french :p :-)

by JamesCGamora

17 years, 1 month ago

I saw it the other day as well. My biggest gripe was the lack of appearance by the creature itself, but I understand the reason why (since the monster itself was more or less a co-star).

the person I went to go see it with was rather unimpressed by the movie (and sick afterward) but I thought it was rather good.

by robbritton

17 years, 1 month ago

*spoiler, i guess*

nice to see three little nods to giant new york monsters, though:
1. empire state king kong baiting stuff
2. sixth street subway - key location in godzilla ‘98
3. oooh, big monster stomps alongside central park towards the ’heroes' who have a certain vantage point!

what a fantastic film, though - i thoroughly enjoyed every moment.

i was probably imagining this, but i swear i saw a stand in for the ivo shandor building from beth's apartment at the very beginning - like they'd digitally re-added the temple to 55 Central Park West for a subtle early giant monster gag! I know how utterly unlikely that is and am sure that i was most likely over-excited and mistaken but it still gave me a little jolt!

by robbritton

17 years, 1 month ago

*I'm happy to find it again.

Come on man, you'd totally lose the point of the film if it was all steady-cammed!

I want to see it on IMAX! i want that shakiness filling my full field of vision. Cloverfield is a close to a giant monster actually attacking as I'm likely to get - it presents a likely analogue of my probable physical viewpoint on events. For that it ought to be praised to the hilt. the direction is incredible in it's juggling act of a panicked realism and allowing the audience to see what it needs to see to push the film along.

I found it to be absolutely thrilling and sincerely believe that much of its power lies in its ability to present it's action from the ‘eyes’ of a frightened civillian. Have you seen hand held home videos of 9/11? there tends to be some fairly drastic movement when the planes hit, because people react violently in fear and shock. Now, that the film may be slightly tasteless in exploiting this collective memory of the World Trade Centre attacks is a different debate altogether, but you cannot deny that it evokes the immediate confusion and terror of that event brilliantly. Why wouldn't the attack of a massive monster provoke just that reaction?

by Kingpin

17 years, 1 month ago

1. empire state king kong baiting stuff

I know there was some reference to King Kong somewhere… but the building that collapses near the start isn't the Empire State, it's the Woolworth.

2. sixth street subway - key location in godzilla '98

Actually, Godzilla dove into the 23rd Street Subway Station.

3. oooh, big monster stomps alongside central park towards the ‘heroes’ who have a certain vantage point!

Heh, now I get it… but I suspect it's a purely accidental reference. As for the view from Beth's apartment, at the start you can see Central Park South, including Essex House and (very briefly) Columbus Circle:

Beth's apartment's in Time Warner Center, which is just a bit south of SPW, but her apartment (at the start of the film anyway) is on the south-eastern corner of one of the towers of TWC.

Despite those however, it was a great movie… something Hollywood's wanted to make for years but only just remembered how to do so.

by newrecruit1

17 years, 1 month ago

Come on man, you'd totally lose the point of the film if it was all steady-cammed!

I want to see it on IMAX! i want that shakiness filling my full field of vision

Robbritton after Cloverfield at Imax :p :-)

the film may be slightly tasteless in exploiting this collective memory of the World Trade Centre attacks

I don't understand hollywood… And what about that scene, in the store, with the view on its window, where the cloud of dust appears. That directly came from the archives! I was disgusted when I saw that on youtube but happy at the same time; I won't have to leave my seat in theater, like I did for “Pan's labyrinth” where I asked for a refund!

by Kingpin

17 years, 1 month ago

That's what usually happens when a big building falls down, there's a huge dust cloud.

I wish parallels would stop be drawn between this and September 11th, we already had the ‘9/11 exploitation’ thing with Spielberg's remake of War of the Worlds.

by newrecruit1

17 years, 1 month ago

That's what usually happens when a big building falls down, there's a huge dust cloud.

Come on, don't tell me you're not agreeing that the scene is a copy/paste of one of the sept 11 media archives!

by Kingpin

17 years, 1 month ago

What I know is it was needless sensationalism in the run up to the movie, a bored news network with nothing worthwhile to report pointing the camera at someone who shouldn't have been given air time.